Hearing gunshots from inside a building

Aug 06, 2006 15:20

My character is trapped in a rather imposing and nasty prison (modelled on the Don Jail, so think lots of stone and cement and no windows). The nice folks outside are having a bit of a party in his honour, which involves attacking the guards on the premises with an impressive array of firearms (whatever they can find, ranging from antiquated pistols to machine guns), launching flares into the sky, and generally being raucous. Their intent is to eventually release all of the prisoners inside, but first they want to draw a lot of attention to themselves and create as much chaos as humanly possible so that everyone can escape into an anonymous crowd. I'm thinking of about ten to twenty people showing up at a time, shooting, and then running away.

Would he be able to hear any of the festivities from inside the cell?

~weapons: firearms

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