First Watch Review - 10x18 "Book Of The Damned"

Apr 23, 2015 11:34

Figured I should hurry up with this review because 10x19 is coming up fast...

Note that I do not have the help of the SuperWiki today to remember the important points of the episode.

Ok, first of all, Charlie is awesome. She's got some epic fight skills now. She's really grown up since we first met her.

I was a lot annoyed with Sam this episode. Dean's being honest, telling him about what Crowley said, that the Mark was a curse. Sam meanwhile, is all slinky secretive, doesn't give Dean any new info, even though he has some.

"The boys are back in town!" Dean lip-syncing and air-drumming and saying he wants to go to the beach. Oh, Dean, I want you to go the beach too! You boys deserve a break, you really do. :(

The Book is gross and also awesome, and creepy. I loved the scenes where it's calling out to Dean, telling him to "take it and run away with it." Seriously creepy stuff.

Also, Cas punching Metatron. Twice. Loved it. So much. The way Cas just swings out his arm and socks him in the face, barely looking, no effort on his part at all.

Also, Metatron is annoying. I didn't see the sigil thing coming at all though. Poor Cas obviously didn't see it coming either. And now Metatron is free and he has the demon tablet.

But! Cas has his grace back, and blew up the library. Great scene.

Some heartwrenching dialogue between Sam, Dean, and Charlie. Seriously, Dean, you can't ask your little brother to chain you up again. Remember how well that worked out last time? Charlie is wonderfully understanding, and Sam's still upset about Jess ten years later.

The bad guys in this episode were awesome. All dark hoodies and smirky faces.

The fight scene with Dean in the store. Yup.

I'm not mad at Sam for not destroying the book. I know a lot of people are, but I can see his point of view. It was horrible for him to see his brother as a demon, and the cure alone... never mind Dean chasing him around the bunker with a hammer. No, I'm ok with Sam keeping the book. And even working with Rowena. I guess. It's gonna go bad eventually, probably, but let's be positive for a bit, ok?

Cas and Charlie finally get to meet each other and it's adorable.

Laughing, slow-mo eating and drinking, good times in the bunker. Awesome song too. Why can't we enjoy a happy moment without Sam ruining it with his guilty face?

Meanwhile in real life:
- Jared and Jensen's Always Keep Fighting campaign has sold nearly 28,000 shirts and nearly 1,500 phone cases. My mum, sis, and me have brought our shirts now too.
- This time next month we'll be on the train to Sydney. I am so freakin' excited! Still can't believe this is really happening.
- The cast and crew wrapped up season 10 today (yesterday?) and the videos J2 posted are hilarious.

That's all for now, but I'll be back for the next episode review after Monday! :D

season 10, supernatural, first watch review

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