SPN Rewatch - 1x05 Bloody Mary

Jul 06, 2014 20:49

I mentioned I am watching them with two of my sisters, one of who has watched them all previously and the other who hasn't. Sister #2 alternated between hiding her eyes and saying, "Aw, poor Sammy."

A short review and no caps this time. Sorry. Although I don't know if anyone even looks at them anyway. *shrug* I may go back at some point to cap the ones I've missed.

Poor little Sam still having nightmares. Twice in one episode! Pretty much every time he falls asleep he has one. No wonder he doesn't want to sleep at all.

There were plenty of little moments that I could spend a lot of time analysing, but it's been a long day and I really can't be bothered! Lame, I know.

Oh, I love the slow motion mirror smash - awesome. And Dean holding his brother's face, trying to look into his eyes.

Dean is smarter than he lets on - his homemade EMF detector from Phantom Traveller comes to mind. And holding the mirror up to Mary was quick thinking.

I'm going to change the tags on these to "spn rewatch s1" so it's easier to find them, especially after we start on season 2.

supernatural, spn rewatch s1, rambling

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