SPN Rewatch - 1x03 Dead In The Water

Jul 04, 2014 16:07

So yay, I finally get around to posting about this episode! Although it's actually one of my least favourite eps, it does have some good scenes in it.

*Note: I got a little carried away with this review. I guess this should be a warning for length!

So this house that we open to - I'm pretty sure it's used in another movie that Jensen was in that I haven't seen yet, judging by what everyone else says. I think it was "Devour", or something like that.

I love this exchange between the brother and sister.
BOY: I don't know, guys don't like buff girls.
GIRL: Well, girls don't like guys who still live at home.

The colours in these early episodes are interesting - in this episode it makes the lake water look black.

I love flirty Dean. He's so funny. And the way he exaggerates dropping his head down when Sam steps in.

Poor Sam's not talking about Sophie Carlton when he says "People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for 'em." And typical older sibling response - "You know what, I'm sick of this attitude." And I love the little blinky eyeroll Sam gives him.

Some beautiful shots of the Impala driving.

I like how Dean pauses before he gives Sam's fake name, like he actually made it up on the spot.

I also love the look the boys share when the sheriff suggests it the Loch Ness Monster. And Dean fumbling - "Oh, of course, the dam, it's uh... it's sprung a leak."

And more flirty Dean! And another eye roll from Sam. Something I didn't notice on the first watch was just after Dean says "kids are the best," Sam grins at him, and Dean just kinda shrugs.

I also love the whole "You don't even like kids!" scene. I can't pinpoint exactly why, but I do.

And something else I only noticed this round - Dean was smelling his shirt to see if it was clean?? He does it with two of them in this scene!

It seems like Dean's not just talking about Lucas when he says "watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over." And then later he tells him he knows how Lucas feels, and that when Dean was about his age he "saw something," further elaborating later to say he "saw something real bad happen to my mom." Did Dean actually see Mary burning on the ceiling? But he says several episodes later that he only remembers the heat and the fire and carrying Sam out the front door.

And I just gotta say I love Dean playing with Lucas's plastic soldiers. Dean's such a big kid himself, isn't he?

Haha, Dean's voice when he says to Sam "collage boy thinks he's so smart!"

Aw, poor little scared Lucas! I always feel so sorry for him. It's like he really wants to tell Dean what's going on, but he can't.

SAM: You are who, and what have you done with my brother?
DEAN: Shut up.
I love this exchange.

The boys take turns holding Lucas back, because of course Dean gets to kick open the door.

That ghost is seriously creepy. Anyway, I love Dean's slow motion rise out of the water when he get Lucas.

And Dean's smile when Lucas speaks! I love that he teaches him to say Zeppelin rules.

For all Dean's flirting, he always looks surprised when the girl kisses him.

Well, that's it!

Wow, for an episode I don't enjoy I sure talked about it a lot! And noticed some new things. I'll try to do Phantom Traveller soon too.

supernatural, spn rewatch s1, season 1, caps

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