May 20, 2008 16:12
A: To get out of the way of the tour bus.
Yes folks I am back from my honeymoon....I will pause until the applause dies down.
Anyway, the trip overall was great. San Juan was cool, St. Thomas and Tortola are the most beautiful places I think I have ever seen and probably will ever see! And the chickens? All over the place in St. Thomas and Tortola.
Unfortunetly due to the lovely weather in the Northeast we hit storms heading to the islands and coming! Seasickness is great! Although, after fining the motion sickness pills in the gift shop life got considerably better. All in all a great time, we slept in, relaxed, ate a lot, took some really fun tours, didn't lose too much $$ in the casino As soon as I can I will post some pics from the pretty. And to top it all off, the only place I got sunburned was the top of my head....amazing...SPF 70 and 85 sunscreens rock.
So yeah, we are home, real life commences and all that. Get to go to the DMV and SS offices on Thursday...rah. And while we were gone lots of work was done on the house and it looks great!
Guess thats it for now...more eventually :)