Coming At Work (Jared/Misha)

Jul 12, 2012 10:55

Title: Coming At Work
Author: little_artemis (AKA balthiersgirl on y!, and littleartemis everywhere else)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 824
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Characters/Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Misha Collins
Warning: exhibitionism, dry humping
Summary: He had looked for them to run some lines, and somehow ended up in Jared's lap.
Notes: For a prompt on tumblr.
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to the actors, nor am I them, this is a fictional work and no way representative of the persons depicted in this work of fanfiction.

It was not really hard to find them. Naturally it being them, he found them sitting together on their break, lounging together. Just talking quietly while they had the time to.

Taking a deep breath he stretched, cracking his back as he approached, ignoring the curious looks both of them gave him. Both sets of eyes followed him, Jensen’s more questioning though Jared had a wide smile on his lips.

When he was finally standing before both of them a smile formed on Jen’s lips, “hey Mish. Jay and I were just going over some stuff for the upcoming episodes.”

Jared nodded in agreement and the corner of Misha’s mouth quirked into a slight grin. “I figured. Wanted to go over tha-“

He was cut mid sentence hearing someone calling Jensen’s name. Looking in the same direction his co-star did he did not see the foot slowly raising towards him.

“Looks like they’re lookin’ for you Princess.” Grinning Jared looked over at his friend who just rolled his eyes, pushing up from where he had been sitting.

“Yeah, yeah asshole. Just remember, if I’m the Princess, that makes you the monster who keeps kidnapping me.”

“At least Bowser kicks ass.”

A final smack was given to the side of Jared’s head with the rolled up script in Jensen’s hand before he was gone, leaving Misha to whatever the tall man had in mind.

Which was clearly something intimate by the feel of the foot pressing along his groin.

Making a slightly choked sound he reached down quickly to grab the thick ankle, staring at him with a mixture of amusement, and unimpressedness. Though even with it in hand, Jared kept pressing it along Misha’s clothed groin, the sensation bothering him with how good it was.

Though what bothered him more was that he for some reason could not muster up the need to pull away.

“I don’t know what your fascination with my balls is,” he ground out, his hands tightening on Jared’s calf as they moved higher. “But just F.Y.I. I kinda need those.” His breath was heavy as his friends head tilted to the side, smiling.

“Hmm…I don’t know, isn’t one mini overlord enough? You do have a point though…with out ‘em I wouldn’t be able to see your face when I’m done…” his smile turned into a smirk as he moved forward, pulling Misha into his lap. The smaller man’s eyes were darting around to see if anyone saw what was going on. His spine straightening as Jared’s thigh pushed up between his own, replacing his foot.

He gently pressed it up along the older man’s sac and length which was completely hard now in Castiel’s pants. A small groan left him when he remembered just what they were wearing. They both looked like they were role playing out some sex scene between Sam and Castiel and…damn did that make this hotter.

“Jay…?” the question came a bit late, but he did not completely understand why the other man was doing this. All he knew was that it felt damn good, and he seemed focused on just…grinding up against Misha.

“Shhh…” soft lips pressed against his own, and he sighed against them, arms wrapping loosely around the larger man’s neck, holding him flush against himself.

Slowly he began to just loose himself in the feel of the other underneath him. Grinding down against the willing body as he felt the strong hands moving along his back, groping at his ass. Then one moved into his pants, finger sliding along his hole making him shudder and moan the others name.

They were in public and fuck Jared was getting him ready to take him right there. Out in the open where anyone could see him.

What was worse was he did not mind it. He had not been taken like some willing cock slut in too long and he knew well enough that Jared had a package built more than well to satisfy. Just the thought of those strong arms holding him mid air as he fucked up into Misha’s smaller body make his cock twitch, on the verge of orgasming.


“Shhhh just let it all loose baby…I know what you want…and you can have all that and more later…” his grin was wicked as he wriggled the finger around inside Misha, watching as the lithe man squirmed on his leg, pressing down in search of release.

With a barely restrained cry against Jared’s lips he let loose, back arching and eyes closed as he stained the inside of his underwear with his load. His heart raced in his chest as he slumped forward against Jared’s chest, listening to the others staccato beat.

Silence fell between them lasting for what seemed to be forever before he hit the broad chest, pulling a yelp from him.

“You better be true to your word Padalecki!”

actor: misha collins, pairing: jared/misha, kink: dry humping, actor: jared padalecki, kink: exhibitionism, fandom: actor rpf, type: prompt

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