Zoo picspam, part 1: At Hirschfeld Tierpark

May 10, 2013 13:14

So, after two years I finally made it back to Hirschfeld Tierpark. It's a small but really beautiful zoo just about 15 mins by car from Zwickau. They have mostly regional animals on display, but also a few more exotic animals such as porcupines, and a few macaques for the kids. But despite its small size it's still an amazing place to go. Highlights of the zoo are their new brown bear and wolf enclosures, a walk-in owl enclosure and a beige-coloured Great Grey Owl (not in the walk-in enclosure, of course - far too dangerous). Yes, I always spend ages at that enclosure.

Because of its proximity to Zwickau many families go there on holidays and weekends. I went on the 1st of May which is a holiday in Germany, so the zoo was pretty full. I still managed to get a few pictures that I'll be happy to share with you.

Click on the images for full size.

picspam, tierpark hirschfeld, vacation photos, kat in zwickau, zoo photos, kat on vacation

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