Jul 03, 2006 18:59
OK so I purged my current feelings about the breakup in my LJ, now I will post about the day's events.
Got up early to check work email and sent some stuff off to workboy.
Shoved the GPs in their kitty carrier and whisked them off to the vet in Cranston. Nala and Lilly are a bit gassy and the vet suggested I do an elimination diet to figure out WTF is wrong with them. I am cutting out romaine lettuce for a week to see whether that is the culprit.
She checked Pepper's butt, which had a few er.... bite marks on it. Nala is very aggressive towards Pep at times. Vet told Pepper to stand up for herself. Hahahahaha. I said "That's what I'm sayin!" Vet said bite marks look like they will heal up just fine. She also gave me an ointment for her eyes. Pepper has pea eye, and her eyes water up a lot.
Lilly the litl porker now weighs more than her mama.
Nala is in good shape; vet says if she continues the aggressiveness and Pepper starts getting hurt a lot, I may need to separate or we can try to spay nala to see if it will help. Honestly, Nala, when she goes into heat, and that's A LOT, is the most hormonal GP EVER. I just don't know if I want to have her go through surgery. I will need to cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess.
I stopped by work on the way home. Everyone stopped to look at or pet the piggles. Pepper sat on Danielle's lap and charmed her.
I mailed my rent and my electric bill and called to set up car insurance, which went well.
I sat around and thought about knitting. I'm a bit knitter's blocked right now. I can't seem to find a project that pleases me. I ended up taking the BIG GREEN SWEATER to Starbucks and working on one of the sleeves. I swear to god you could fit me, my best friends, all three GPs, and probably a couple o' hunky boys in this sweater. It's lap blanket sized. But I think having it be unfinished is part of what's blocking me, so I'm going to work on it all tonight and tomorrow until it's done!!!!!!
I listened to sad music at Starbucks and wallowed for a while, knitting. It did help me feel better for a bit.
Then I came home, made mac & cheese for dinner, read some more of my book, found out it's author died (so sad) and now I'm sitting here updating you lovely folks about my day.
What did you do today?