Jan 31, 2006 17:12
It finally happened. I snapped. I told off that lazy stuck up bitch who poses as a cook. You see, Saturday night I came to work. She opens on Saturday, I close. A little after she left I started to smell burning plastic. I kept looking around to find the source and eventually spotted smoke coming from the steam table. The steamtable had run out of water and an empty plastic container (yes plastic not metal like you are supposed to use) had melted and was starting to burn. I shut things down then opened a door to air things out because that burning plastic smell is just so wonderful.
So I took the melted mess and left a note on it. "J, please make sure to properly fill the steam table or check to make sure it has water so we can avoid things like this in the future." When I come in today there is a note saying I should have checked steamtable, someting I've never had to do as I open most days and always make sure it is plenty full, and how dare I not leave sliced tomaotes, lettuce for sandwiches, why is her desert moldy? and a few other things that made me see red. I can't count the number of times I'm left without something after her shift. It just happens. It's part of the business really. I calmed down showed my manager the note. Even she was said "Isn't it better to do the lettuce and tomatoe fresh in the morning?"
Anyway, so bitch comes in today. I nicely say "Listen, we both forget things from time to time so lets not go down that road. But we have to be careful..." She cuts me off. "It is not my fault you didn't check the steamtable."
Me:"I really shouldn't have to if it's...." She cuts me off. I would have finished with "..filled right when you open."
I would try to go on but the rest of the conversation is me try to say something and her cutting me off and accusing me of all sorts of bullshit. Like I do nothing all day and I leave her underprepared all the time. I'm slow, lazy BLAh blah blah.
I keep trying to get a word in but she won't listen and cuts me off after every few words. That's it!
"Listen you fucking stuck up lazy uesless bitch. I'm sick of your shit. Fuck you!"
she says something but I'm done listening
"No fuck you bitch. I bust my ass all fucking day. I'm lucky if I sit down to fucking eat and all I ever hear about is how you sit around...Ohh Fuck you...Shut the fuck up you fucking lazy bitch."
At this point I catch myself and our voices are too loud.
"You know what I'm done now. We'll just leave it there."
And I left.
I'm cooling down now then I'm calling the boss and we are going to have a meeting because this shit can not continue.