Jul 30, 2006 17:19
First, I apologise to those still waiting for meme drabbles; they will happen one day. I never got the one I requested myself (pout pout) so my enthusiasm sort of dwindled.
The part time job on the beach has resulted in a tan and pretty nice gams. It's a great job for a lazy bastard outdoorsy person like myself, and if I'm not stupid I can probably make some good money doing portraits on the side. Unfortunately, I am pretty stupid. I'm still working on that.
Cash is much tighter now with just the part time job; nevertheless I'm going on an adventure in December where I shall fangirl all over the increasingly goofy Sylvester McCoy (I promise not to try to seduce him). But don't worry, robot geeks, I still love you. Maybe next year I will be better funded.
I'm way way way way way back into Doctor Who. I'd wandered out of the fandom towards the end of the Virgin books run, having liked the movie but not really gotten into the Eighth Doctor books, and then they had that made-up Doctor in the DWM comics. Well. There's certainly more going on now. And the Big Finish audios! Oh my god! They are fantastic and wonderful and amazing and like holy shit! New oldschool Doctor Who episodes! LOTS of them! Turlough and Peri and Nyssa and Ace and Petey and Paul and Colin and Sylv! Romana! Leela! OMG! AND Cosgrove Hall is ANIMATING SECOND DOCTOR EPISODES FOR DVDGASM
And and and the fandom no longer hides all the smut in the darkest recesses of its mailing lists! There's lots! Right here on LJ! *flails* The smut-fans compile lists of what's out there, even! Though these lists make me wonder what happened to all the great Three/Jo/Master/Brig type prons I read back in the mid 90's. I *think* they were all from one of the MLs that was spawned after the TVM. MAN there was some incredible smut on that list. My impression of the Eighth Doctor will never be unwarped.
Anyway. The soft fishy underbelly of the LJ Who fandom rules. They have put me into a coma of love for Turlough.
Berserk, of course, continues to be made out of pure awesome. Nothing has ever been as awesome as Berserk. And I really need to update my Hirasawa site too. Agh. I'm so crap at getting anything done. ...holy hell, it's been like a month since I talked to the guy I was studying Japanese with... *headdesk*