Ask 'em no more questions, you'll never cath 'em lying.

Oct 13, 2009 10:50

A conversation begun with Kelly has made me realize that I actually have a fandom wishlist.

Let me be clear from the start -- I don't mean this as an "OMG GUYS SOMEONE WRITE THIS FOR ME" list. This is an "If you see anything of this sort in your fandom travels, please pass it along because HOLY CRAP I'd love you for it" list.

Now that we have that disclaimer out of the way...

Fandom Things Percy Would Potentially Beg, Borrow, and Steal For Right Now:

  1. The introduction of a crazy-hot femme fatale Emma Frost into the Marvel Noir universe. Preferably something that involves her coming in to contact with the crazy-awesome sociopath gangster Scott Summers the universe already features.
  2. I know it's canonically impossible, events in the story considered, but Marvel Noir Rogue/Remy would make my life. Hell, just putting a noir-esque twist on them would be FANTASTIC. (Humour me guys. I'm kind of on a kick.)
  3. While on the subject of my bulletproof OTP, it's been a while since I've read any really good Rogue/Remy that wasn't written by someone on my flist. Any and all reccomendations of Rogue/Remy fic/art, whatever the universe, will be welcomed with the most open of arms.
  4. While Rogue/Gambit may be my pan-continuity bulletproof ship, I can be rather flexible when it comes to specific universes. I would adore seeing some Scarlet Witch/Gambit in Wolverine and the X-Men  (yes, I know, I keep saying that I'm working on some, it's just coming a little more slowly than I'd like, but no-one at
    andthexmen has given it a try yet either. I'm hoping that once I finish "Drawing Dead" I might convert some people, but in the meantime I'm left trawling the Pit and turning to you guys to see if there's actually any out there), Scott/Rogue in X-Men: Evolution would be delightful, comicverse Remy/Betsy piques my curiosity ("She kissed better. An' she loved to waltz. Now you'll never know" -- PLATONIC. YES. MM-HMM KEEP SAYING THAT), and I'd devour some well-done movieverse Rogue/John.
  5. If any  of you can tell me that movieverse Scott/Emma (drawn from X-Men Origins: Wolverine, obviously) as teenagers at the Mansion wouldn't be amazing, you are LYING TO ME. Lying like a cheap Persian rug on a poorly-laid hardwood floor of questionable quality.
  6. Movieverse Deadpool fic. I would seriously consider offering up an arm and a leg for moveiverse fic that manages to capture his voice properly. I would be willing to forgive poor plot, lack of plot, even the author's abuse of my willing suspension of disbelief so long as they get his voice right.
  7. Marvel 1602 Scotius/Werren/Jean-John. That dynamic was delicious, and PLEASE SIR I WANT SOME MORE.
  8. Matthew/Natasha from Marvel 1602 would be delicious too. In my conversation with Kelly, I stated that there had to be history between the two of them...and if there wasn't, there should be.
  9. Anything in the Bourne movieverse, so long as it is not Bourne/Nicky. For some strange reason, that is the ONE ship -- the only one out there in any fandom that I've ever participated in -- that I cannot stand in the slightest. Bonus points for Bourne/Marie, but that's certainly not a necessity. I'd just enjoy some well-written movieverse stuff, and the fandom appears to be pretty overrun with Bourne/Nicky, which makes me a sad little fangirl.
I have searched LJ a bit for these sort of things, and the results are a little disheartening -- for example, an anti X-Men: Evolution Scott/Rogue community actually exists, which makes me want to die a little on the inside. Hence my appeal to fresh eyes. Like I said, don't take this as a request to go write something, or even to specifically go looking. All I ask is that if you happen to stumble across anything like this, please pass it along.

(Also, thought -- there is no community out there in LJ-Land as far as I can find that caters to alternative continuities like Marvel Noir, Marvel 1602 , and the like. Do any of you think that there'd be enough interest out there in something like that to warrant the construction of a community centering around alternative continuities? Or is there already one out there and I just can't seem to find it?)

If any of you were to post similar fandom wishlists, I would most certainly keep my eyes peeled for you. I've got a few days off, maybe more depending on the results of a phone call today, so I can totally do some browsing. In the meantime, I'm off to go grab a touch more coffee and something to eat.

x-men, badass!scott is badass, writing, i don't have a caffeine problem - really, enter the fangirl, question, bourne trilogy, fandom is fun, geekiness ahoy, list-y goodness, wolverine and the x-men, thank you intarwebz, with friends like these

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