Jan 10, 2012 16:59
1) The Job Hunt
We get to add one more rejection to the list. Came home to an e-mail thanking me for my interest, then going on to inform me that the position had been filled internally.
I'm glad they took the time to let me know; most schools just have the 'only shortlisted candidates will be contacted' policy. They actually got back to me without me having to bully someone into talking to me. That was a nice change, however sucky it was.
2) Something Intriguing
There's this book called "Throat" that I found out about at work today. The summary, according to amazon.com:
Seventeen-year-old Emma feels cursed by her epilepsy-until the lost night. She's shocked to wake up in the hospital one morning, weak from blood loss. When her memories begin to return, she pieces together that it was a man-a monster-who attacked her: a vampire named Wirtz. And it was her very condition that saved her: a grand mal seizure interrupted Wirtz and left Emma with all the amazing powers of a vampire-heightened senses, rapid speed-but no need to drink blood. Is Emma now a half-vampire girl? One thing soon becomes clear: the vampire Wirtz is fierce and merciless, feared even by his own kind, and won't leave a job undone.
Not gonna lie. This is on hold for me at the library now, though I imagine you'd already guessed that.
I know, I know. Already have a list. Should know better. Bad Percy! No cookie!
I'm sensing an imminent train wreck, truth be told, but I'm willing/hoping to be surprised.
I've only ever read one book where there was an epileptic character -- "A Ring of Endless Light" by Madeline L'Engle. However, the character was highly, highly tangential despite their symbolic significance.
So, a young adult novel with an epileptic protagonist? Regardless of whether it's good or not, it'll at least be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing how epilepsy is treated in it.
(God love you, L'Engle, but you do NOT shove a scarf into a seizing child's mouth. Ever. Nor would a doctor praise someone for doing such a thing. Ever. Don't get me wrong, I adore you and "A Ring of Endless Light" is a gorgeous novel, but just no. I've yet to determine if the 1980 publication date gets you a pass, but now I'm just ranting and will stop before I irritate you fine flisters further.)
3) Tea Time
What it says on the tin. I'm gonna go brew a cup of Scottish Breakfast and finish my current book.
A quiet evening, obviously. And I'm okay with that.
percy is broken,
that's miss o'leary to you,
list-y goodness