Dec 23, 2011 09:51
1) The School I'm Waiting On
Did some further digging about the school I discussed in my previous entry. They're a Christian school, right? I've got no problem with that. There's a link page on their site though, all to groups they presumably ally themselves with in some way, shape, or form. One of the sites they link to is that of a highly right-wing, highly militant, highly highly evangelical Christian organization that I'm familiar with, and with which I have some definite problems.
I'm not right-wing or evangelical in any sense. I'm center-left politically, highly liberal faith-wise. This particular organization stands for everything that I disagree with. Their approach to Christianity and what it means, their thoughts on how the world should be approached, their thoughts on the world in general...they're the antithesis of what I personally believe.
(Let's put it this way: by their definition, my family is bad and wrong because GASP divorce how dare my mother since it's totally her fault that our family's been broken up amirite? And remarriage! Jesus hates her and hates Dave too because SHAME SHAME SHAME SHUUUUUUN!)
I suppose that if I get this interview, I'm going to have to be extremely clear about what I believe. if they can't deal with my sort of faith, I probably couldn't deal with their policies, and it'll be better for everyone concerned if I'm dropped out of the running. But there I go putting the cart before the horse again. The school may not be as militant as this organization. Maybe the alliance is a far more tenuous one than I'm imagining. And then I have to actually get the damn interview. Way to overthink stuff, Percy. As usual.
2) Work
Ahem. Right. That was rather impolite. Let's try that again:
Okay, I'm not going to try and express that sentiment again. Mainly because I clearly can't be rational about it. Perhaps I should work on reminding myself that I'm working Boxing Day, which is going to be absolute hell. I suppose that's my penance for this glee in having Christmas Eve off AHAHAHAHAHAHA--
Boxing Day. Boxing Day. Hell on earth, sucky, etc. etc.
That, and my paycheck hasn't come through. Direct deposit was scheduled for this morning, but my online banking says no dice. I'll check again before I leave for work --
(tonight's our one late-night shopping day and I work the closing; please pray for my sanity)
-- and see if I have to accost Bosslady on the matter.
...wooo. That was a pretty awesome damper.
3) Pain, Pain, Pain and Did I Mention Pain?
I'm not sure why, and I'm not sure how, but my spine has apparently decided to revolt. I haven't been lifting anything heavy, I haven't done anything that would but undue stress on it, and yet my back has determined that now is the most opportune time to start aching like a mofo. Protip body? It's not.
This is to say nothing of the frigging lightning-headaches, the mild exhaustion though that can be blamed on work and the season, I think, and my growing readiness to commit seppuku.
Can anybody tell me what time it is? ADVIL TIME.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to my medicine cupboard.
faith -- you have it i presume?,
some cheese with your whine?,
list-y goodness,
family is not funny that way,
percy is broken,
family is funny that way,
must be funny in a rich man's world