Only have time for some quick hits on tonight's eppy, so here goes!
It's just cruel, isn't it? One more episode. DAMN YOU, STUDIOS! PAY THE WRITERS THEIR DAMN MONEY!!
1) Maya, Alejandro & Sylar
THANK YOU, LORD, ALEJANDRO IS DEAD! And he'd better not have some weird kind of resurrection power, because if he does I will be PISSED.
I wonder what Maya will think when she finds out Sylar killed her brother... Because she's bound to find out. What did he do with the body? Did he stuff it in the mattress, or shove it under the bed? And did he eat his brain even though his own power isn't restored yet? Hmm...
I got shivers when Sylar called Mohinder in the end, and he was all touchy-feely with sleeping Molly. *shudder* Where the hell is Matt when you need him? Matt, get home and protect that little girl, dammit!
2) The Bennets & Elle
Question: Am I the only one who feels like poor Lyle is getting shafted? I mean, his life is being totally disrupted because of his sister's powers, and he lost HIS father, too. Claire's not the only one who lost her dad. Yeah, she was always Daddy's Little Girl, but Lyle loved him, too, and he didn't get so much as a one-armed hug from his mother at the beach when Claire was dumping her father's "ashes." He got stuck holding Mr. Muggles! I love Mr. Muggles, but come ON! Have a heart, people!
I really love the depth we've gotten for Elle's character in just the last few episodes. I know there are lots of folks out there who can't stand her (my mother included!), but I love her to pieces. I really don't want her to turn good, because I think she's such a KICKASS villain. *sigh* We shall see.
And West... Why are you still there? Because seriously -- your time is up. Cut the cord.
3) Peter & Adam
Peter. Dear, sweet Peter. I love you to little-bitty pieces, but sometimes you can be a complete dunderhead. *rubbing temples* I know that you don't know what's going on, and you don't know who to trust, and Adam is incredibly sexyhawt and all, but come ON, babe. Maybe it's time to take a moment and ask yourself, "Huh. Why does everyone want to kill Adam?" Kay, cutie? I'm not saying you have to listen to Hiro and let him slice Adam's pretty little head open with his samurai sword (which happens to be Adam's own sword, so serendipitous), but at least give it some serious thought. Okay? Thanks.
4) Micah, Monica, Niki
Micah's dumbass cousin is a JERK. "I'll get you a new one." IDIOT! It's the hero medal of Micah's DEAD FATHER! My GOD, could you be more insensitive? When Micah started beating up on him, I cheered!
Monica, I love you. But wearing a hood is not enough when your face is plainly visible. Next time, where a hood AND a bandana. It'll help.
Niki... I have nothing to say about you. Yet.
5) Next week!
NOT FAIR! Only one more episode! *SOB* STUPID STRIKE!!
My theory about the heroes who will die? Niki and Maya. I think Mohinder will return to his apartment and Sylar will inject himself with one of the vials of virus antidote, which will cure his "power outage" (*SNORT* I love myself for making that pun!), and he'll kill Maya in order to absorb her power.
As for Niki, I think she'll die trying to rescue Monica from the baddies in the van, because that would be sweet irony. She goes through all this trouble to cure herself of these powers and personalities, losing her husband in the process, and when she's within arm's reach of a normal life, she dies doing something heroic while devoid of all her powers. Then poor Micah will be all alone in the world, and Nana Dawson will have to adopt him, which means he'll have to live with that ASSHOLE cousin of his for even LONGER. I wonder if Micah could convince the household appliances to fry dumb!cousin the next time he's making himself a plate of Tostinos? Hmm... Worth considering.