(no subject)

Jan 02, 2008 23:37

Hooray calendar new year! I have, so far, failed to give up smoking, and drinking, and generally being a blot on the old paterfamilias. However, as the family has slid into complete insanity, and the pater has managed to only insult my gifting prowess a half dozen times, rather than the usual ten by dint of not having actually received said gift yet, I am still somewhat out of sorts.

Instead of ranting on about my holidays here, I have decided to do the internet version of changing my name and moving to the backwoods; I have established a del.icio.us account, the name of which is still semi-secret. I will be putting a return address label on my letters soon, and when I've gotten several thousand things tagged, this metaphor will finally be able to die a peaceful death.

I have read two Yuletide stories so far, and one doesn't really count, because it was my own, and I was proofreading it. (For anyone still interested, When the Light Turns into Darkness, in the Foreigner universe by CJ Cherryh is a story about Bren and Barb, and why people don't stay together.)

Wonderfully enough, I did have a joy of receiving a truly glorious story. By Nature Desire to Know or Further Notes on Botanical Discoveries, Arcadia by blythe. I have requested this fandom for years, and this came along, and now, I do not honestly think that there could be another future for these characters. It's smart, and philosophical, and only mildly depressing: more things have happened than you could ever imagine, and for every line in this story, there are hundreds of others still cloistered away. Valentine and Hannah, Septimus and Thomasina, it's not clear where it all ends, and I love it. That was only somewhat incoherent.

rec:books, recs, life:complaining, writing:shinyholidaytoys

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