(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 14:18

Now that I no longer interact with small children on a daily basis, I'm celebrating by reccing kidfic. No, it doesn't make sense to me either.

"And I'm not going to let them risk their necks dating the undead either," Angel added forcefully to Giles as he carried Wesley past him. "What were you thinking, letting Buffy do that?"
Giles sighed wearily. "I can't imagine."
Childish Things
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel by elgrey
Oh, accidentally, Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn get thrown back into childhood. Angel and Lorne help them out, but then, oh, then, Angel decides it's time for his kids to be better socialised? or looked after? and the Angel Investigations crew goes up to Sunnydale. They are wicked cute, and there is much eating of chocolate, and lots of fun. There are also Council goons, surprising plot twists, and some babealicious action. Whee. So much fun. So cute. So funny. I cannot recount all the awesome here, but rest assured, it is pretty awesome. I mean, little muffin children! Crazy adults! Dorky people! Lovekisslove! I mean, it has a quote from St Paul as the title, but do not let that delay your delighted shenanigans.

Small Fries
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel by mpoetess and zortified
I have a weakness for kidfic, apparently. Spike, Xander, Buffy and Giles are changed into children, in the first part. They have a multitude of adventures, including clothes shopping, trips around Sunnydale, near-disasters, actual disasters, strange conversations, and many more delightful things. Later on, Willow, Tara, Wesley and Giles turn into children. It is so wonderfully adorable and silly. Also, like a pairing soup in there. But that is good too! I just adore how unself-consciously silly this is. Pornier than the previous one, with a multitude of interesting pairings, inculding Anya/Xander/Spike, which I really think is hot.

recs, rec:angel, rec:crossover, rec:btvs

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