Sep 11, 2004 15:36
Okay, we all know I am a bit obsessed with various sci-fi and fanstasy books/movies/tv shows. Right, maybe "bit" is the wrong adjective. They've totally taken over my brain. In a sort of "haha, we rule your thoughts" kind of way.
So, after doing lots of my usual geeking out over the supernatural and alien life forms, I got down to reading some serious fic here. I'm talking several hours uninterrupted reading time with Angel, Farscape, Stargate (of both flavors), Andromeda, Star Trek, Firefly, Buffy, Discworld, Lord of the Rings, and Hellboy. Among others. Yes, I am a fandom junkie. But I am not going to confront that issue right now.
So, I figure, "hey, I haven't read any music fic in ages. that should be fun!" (Yes, my brain speaks in all lower-case letters. It's, um, my brain, I get to pick these things.) I get my little self over to, and decide to pick in on the Alkaline Trio section. First off, there's seventy- seven stories there now. Damn. Right, so I pick an innocuous looking one, and start reading.
Right, so someone in this story is opening a door, or something requiring them to get up, unlock it and that sort of thing. However, the first thing I think of is:
"Oh my! It's totally going to be a slime hurling demon/skin devouring monster/evil monster that kills gods/a banana wielding maniac! Save yourself! Get a gun/zat/stake/wand out now!" (I said this. Out loud. Trust me, it's amusing to hear me try to say this quickly.)
I read further. It's the main character's girlfriend, coming to ask if he's ready for their date. She is not hiding the Forces of Evil under her skirt. I am assured of this, for the author mentions that it is a short skirt. With polka dots. (I'm not actually sure about this point. My brain was still reeling.)
It's not a vampire/goa'lud/evil eyeball/power crazed wizard/creepy paranormal government guy/alien hell bent on revenge?
Couldn't she be hiding a small demon on her person? It would make me feel much more comfortable. Just a little imp or something?
I mean, I'm having issues going back to "Damn, we're locked out. I must have left the key inside" from "I can kill you. With my hair. And use your skull in a potion to cripple evil dudes." Anyone else have this problem? I can't be alone!