KISSed Muses

Jul 02, 2006 07:27

This is a pimp plug for the graphics forum that I co-moderate, KISSed Muses. I cannot avoid being biased here, but quite honestly, it's a brilliant place to flex your creative muscle. We have kinds of challenges that won't be seen in other graphic arts forums. And we're also a nice bunch of people, really! Lol

It being the beginning of a new month and all, a new colour challenge is up in the banner thread.
Caribbean Green


Challenge Type: Colour
Deadline: Open
- 500 height x 400 width
- Interpret the words 'Caribbean Green' any which way you like!
- Stocks, brushes, textures, patterns and gradients are all welcome.
- Credit your resources as always.

Other colour challenges have been:
Hazelnut Fudge
Purple Heart
Buttercup Yellow
Cotton Candy

And lots more.
Come and join in!

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