
Jul 07, 2010 14:44

I had a nice, long holiday weekend. I hope everyone else did too! I was so not ready to come back to work yesterday, and I'm really glad that the work week is almost over.

On Saturday I watched some more Doctor Who and listed my Sailor Moon manga for sale on Amazon. Within a few hours a couple of copies had sold, and by the end of the weekend they were all spoken for. Wohoo! I got those all shipped out yesterday and sent confirmation notices, so now I just have to wait. The thing I like about Amazon is that they don't charge you a listing fee, they just take a cut if the product sells. Not a bad deal.

On Sunday we did a little cake and card thing for my moms birthday. She turned 58! Holy crap, that makes me feel old, so you can only imagine how that must make her feel! Later she and my step dad went out for drinks and dinner while I went over to Alex's house. His parents barbecued and we had a fantastic meal. Afterward we went down to the beach for fireworks. Remember when I said that fireworks weren't exactly legal in this county? Well, it turns out no one really cares. At the beach there a number of people putting together their own bonfires and setting off fireworks. Kids were running around and everyone was just having a good time. Usually the City Council puts on a fireworks show for the town over the harbor. That wasn't happening this year, so we provided our own entertainment. ;)

On Monday Alex and I went to Raging Waters. Oh man, so much fun! It was just the right temperature too, which was nice. I seriously need to invest in a better swimsuit, though. I have this really cute one piece halter swimsuit, but my neck was killing me by the end of the day. I swear, they just need to make swimsuits with under-wire attached, because the lack of it is my main issue. Alex and I decided to celebrate our anniversary that day (it's really on July 13th, but that's a Tuesday this year), so when we got home we exchanged gifts. My gift to him was money towards the iPhone 4 that he wants to get. One of the things he got me was the entire Farscape series on DVD. That's going to be the next TV show we watch together and I'm so excited! I need more Claudia Black in my life! :D

In other news, everyone needs to visit the Her Universe website. It's finally open for online sales and they have so many pretties! I really, really, really want to get THIS t-shirt, but things have been tight money wise recently. I will purchase it at some point, though. I want this website to do well so that fangirls will have a regular outlet to go to.

Oh, and one last thing. I have the last disc for season one of Doctor Who arriving in the mail tomorrow. I went to my queue to add the second season and am hit with this dilemma. Apparently discs 1 and 3 aren't available yet, but discs 2, 4 and 5 are. WTF? How am I supposed to start watching without the first disc? I have it saved in my queue and I can only hope that it will become available soon. Lame.  >:(

film: star wars, sale, boys, family, holiday, tv: doctor who, tv

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