I finally did it. I took the plunge and bought the first three seasons of Supernatural. So, let's see if I like it as much as my flist. No spoiling me, but if you want, you're welcome to tell me what you thought about episode one. My thoughts (written as I watched) are below the cut.
Okay, seriously creeping opening with the shadowed figured and then the mom stuck to the ceiling. Whoa. Okay, that's enough to scar you for life. The dad is really stuck here... caught between saving his wife, and his kids. That's a little ominous in terms of what I expect from future episodes... angst o'rama is coming... no?
Little brother: It's nice to see he's made a life for himself. Law school... very cool. Clearly we're getting an intelligent lead. Okay... clearly he does not like his family much.
Big brother: Well that's a little manipulative. I understand he's worried about his dad, but being that dismissive of little brother's success, ramming into his life (literally) and demanding help... that's not really not the way to have a good relationship. If I were little brother, I'd be backing away from this family too. Okay, I'm switching sides now. Little Brother, your father was an ass... got it... he was trying to help you by giving you that gun... although I agree that giving a nine year old for a gun to kill the monster in the closet doesn't go into the father hall of fame.
The ghost in the car... suitably creepy. EEK. Blood. Okay, so we're not going all out gore, but clearly we do know how to use a little viscera.
The brother team: Credit card fraud as the family business. Okay, I totally see why little brother wants to get as far away as he can. I can see why he needs to find something normal in his life. Okay, little brother, shut up about the cassettes because I adore big brother's taste in classic rock.
Federal MARSHALS?!?! Seriously... do these cons work for big brother? That says more about the stupidity of the people they run into than the intelligence of big brother for trying this shit (I should figure out their names eventually).
HA!! They are so brothers... fighting as they are walking away from the crime scene. Yeah, that reinforces the whole idea that they're federal marshals. Uh huh. Totally. Cute... they say the same thing at the same time.
The hitch hiking ghost is a little cliched, but I like their fighting over the computer.
Yep, little brother is smart... figured out how to look for suicide. Okay... that girl didn't kill herself, did she? Did her husband murder the kids and the wife? If so, I'm going to call the show's plot predictable, but then The Sentinel wasn't exactly the height of well crafted plotting.
SAMMY! Okay, little brother is Sam. Ouch. Big brother, that's a little dismissive. Sam's right that mom is gone. But Sam, big brother is right. Ignoring things doesn't make you mentally healthy.
Huh. Maybe the girl did commit suicide. I love the sound of that car engine... very retro.
DEAN! Okay, so I figured out both names now. I love Dean's sarcasm. And I really like that both these boys are some version of seriously screwed up in the head. That feels right.
Seeing Dad's hotel room, I have to think that he's even more screwy in the head than the boys. Obsessive much?
No chick flick moments.
Alright, Jerk.
Smarting off to the cops... Dean did not inherit the smarts in this family, did he? He's the fun one, but not the one I'd want trying to come up with a cover story. Sam's story about the news story and fact checking, way smarter!
Oh..., got it now. Constance killed her kids and then herself. Yep. That would make her roam the world as a ghost.
Leaving Dean alone with a paperclip was definitely a mistake. I can already see that Sam can talk his way out of things (or run like hell) and Dean's the one who can kill you with a pencil.
OOOOHH! Sam's alone with the ghost. Dean... where the hell are you?!?!? You have to save your brother!!!! Clearly they won't kill the brothers, but this is actually pretty damn exciting. Okay, ghost sex. Ghost rape. Now that's a little creepier than I expected. Or a lot creepier.
Flickering lights before her children's ghosts came back... but the lights flickered the night The mother died.
EEEWWWWWWWWWWW!! No wonder she didn't want to go home. Did the ghost's children just drag her to hell??
Sam is going back to try and get into law school... yeah, not even he believes he's giving up hunting. OMG... damn... this family is not safe for the girls... Poor Jess. And she was so good about supporting Sam. And who was using the shower??? I sense a big bad coming
Okay, those were my random thoughts, but the first impression is that I like how flawed these characters are. I like their interactions. And the plot was actually interesting. I'll be watching the next Supernatural.