Long Weekends

Nov 12, 2012 07:11

I feel like I say it all the damn time, but seriously, there are just not enough hours in my day. What a busy weekend! Between work, the blog, day to day shit, & trying to be social...I'm freaking exhausted.

Saturday was Aaron's birthday, so we kicked off the weekend with dinner at his parent's house on Friday.
I normally have Tuesdays & Friday's off, but while I was in NYC volunteering with relief groups after Sandy last weekend, the woman hired to be my relief those 2 days just...disappeared. So, not only did I have to leave the city early, I don't get a day off until who knows when. So Friday was spent running around between Jo's house & home, baking his cake, getting my own self together & finally succumbing to clothing not made of sweatshirt material...and then fighting traffic for 2 1/2 hours trying to get to his folks 20 miles away.
Family time was nice; Jan brought Pepere Blain & the kids were there while Jake & Julie were at a wedding somewhere down near the cape...Ron made an awesome soup & my cake got rave reviews, disappearing quickly. We managed to escape with a small slab to enjoy Saturday morning with coffee. Snort.

Saturday night, I surprised Aaron with a get together with friends at Veggie Galaxy in Boston- we had a great time & he was so surprised. The Parkers' came out, Skott brought Branigan along, Jake & Julie got to come, as well as Tristan & Vanessa, who I'm really enjoying hanging out with lately. I had these mind blowing beer-battered brussel sprouts that I'm still dreaming about...and considering getting a deep fryer for...and we all ate til we popped. I wish we could get together with such legit humans more often; it would make this place feel more like home, instead of someplace we're trying to get away from. 20 miles away can seem like 200 sometimes.

I think it's Tuesday & I honestly can't really recall Sunday or Monday details.

Aaron heads out to Colorado tomorrow to do his vocals for the OC record & besides working, I've got to get some kind of ideas together for Thanksgiving dinner. We're definitely making our own seitan roast this year...but I've gotta pull some other tricks out of my hat, as well as post a few recipes on the blog. We're heading up to my grandparent's for the holiday & I'm gonna hang around a few extra days with my poor couch-bound sister. All that is another story for another time. As much as I'm looking forward to spending Thursday with my gram, pop, aunt & uncle, it's really difficult for me to deal with the decline of my grandparents lately...something I never considered being a possibility for me. I've worked in geriatrics for such a huge part of my life, collectively, but there's truth to it being different when it's your own reality. I'll get into that another time.

Time to shuffle off to work; I want to get in & out, so we can get everything in while it's daylight. Aaron wants to do a recipe for the blog today (yay!) & I've got a ton of housework to do...not enough hours in the day, for sure.

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