Illness 7

Feb 22, 2008 14:06

Lissar is still tired, and achy, and her coughing jags keep her contorted over when they start...but her fever is lower, and her breathing stays even more often than not. Dr. Sybil, after looking over the latest set of scans nods firmly,

"You can go home today, as long as you stay where Ironhide can keep an optic on you. When you feel up to moving your mattress back into your room on your own, without help, you'll be well enough to start going out in public again. Keep visitors down to one or two a day, and keep taking care of yourself."

"I do not think," the pale woman says, glancing out the window, "that I will be given terribly much choice in that. It will be good to go home."

It's also rather nice to be in real clothing again, honestly.


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