Illness 6

Feb 21, 2008 10:40

By the sixth day Lissar is sleeping just enough less that she is bored out of her mind. Her eyes still hurt, and daylight always hurts so the flu-ache on top of it is simply miserable, but she has more energy and she's managing to keep food down better than she had been.

However, she has gotten to take the IV out, and Dr. Sybil gave her permission to sit in a chair near the window after the sun set. It isn't the same as being out there, as getting to run (something her body misses almost as much as it misses not hurting), and it isn't the same as watching the stars while leaning on Ironhide, and it isn't even the same as watching the stars with her dogs around her (it is possible that she misses them more than not hurting), but it is far, far better than being stuck in bed.


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