Jul 05, 2009 15:14
Randy gave me some woman's number yesterday because he saw that her facebook status was "need another editor!", so I called her and she picked up the phone, "Could this be Alyssa?" And I was all, "It could! Could this be Julie?" and she was all "~It could!~" I already love her, okay. And she is really big into yoga also and owns her own studio and she is so nice and after we talked programs and semantics, she said she was looking forward to meeting me and that she'd keep me in mind for possible projects. Fingers crossed! He told me he may not be good with computers and things, but that he IS good with people and networking, and he'd love to give me that in return for being his personal little technology queen. And he is, he's very charming and people love him and that's good because I don't really like meeting new people that much.
Hmm, my life. Um um um... okay, yeah, on Thursday I slept late and then had a doctor appointment. Still a couple more weeks of this but she said it's looking really good. Then Randy and I went to Famous Dave's and got in a fight over chicken, lol, "God! You are the worst fucking person to eat with!" and then we went and saw Terminator 4, which I didn't expect to like as much as I did. Don't get me wrong, it's nowhere near epic or anything, but I did think the coloring was spectacular and I really loved the way in which it was shot. So there was tremendous value for me in that. It made me happy to see Helena Bonham Carter and Anton Yelchin as well because I did not know they were in it! We went back to his house and drank beer while we played Sonic the Hedgehog, lol, for hours before finally going to bed. And we're still in FML territory with that. No pun. Then his fucking roommate woke us up because he kept yelling "ROARRRRRR!!1" out in the main room with his dog. And then there was stomping. And lawnmowers. So Randy was like, "Stomping and dogs and lawnmowers--" and I was like, "Oh my!!" lolll. And then he was like, "LOL, STOMPING DOGS RIDING ON LAWNMOWERS" and I was like, "lol you should turn that into an ad someday" so we like, wrote one out loud and it was so fucking hilarious. IDK, you probs had to be there but just think of a tiny-ass little brown dog stomping and pushing a lawnmower and tell me you don't die of lol. We got up and then there was all of that fucking drama with my mom postponing everything, but I was glad because I was so enjoying him and didn't want to leave anyway. We took a shower and I'm making a note of it because that was a first in my life. And it was so strange to me, it's so strange growing up and doing these things. It's kind of surreal in a way. He was really beautiful, though, and I couldn't take my focus off of his eyelashes and they were wet and gorgeous and even though he's older, he's got this... idk, childlike quality about him sometimes and I adore it. We went out to lunch and then went on a short walk around that little town. He showed me his school and told me a joke-story about some bird and his death chirp.
I came home, had all that mom drama and journaled about it, before I took a nap. He texted asking what I was doing and telling me he was bored and needed to get out of there. So he came over with a backpack full of alcohol, The Onion, and his television pilot for me to read later. We ordered a pizza and drank and talked and he told me he didn't want the TV on. ♥ He stayed over and I love that so much more because I actually get some decent sleep. My dreams were extremely fucking strange though. My alarm went off and we never wanted to wake up, never never. But we did finally and we both had morning computer time while we ate cereal out of funky bowls.
He left and I watched the SYTYCD that I missed on Thursday. Mia Michaels was absolutely fucking beautiful. And I totally agree with their choices, I am very happy, HOWEVER, I hate that certain couples *cough*Melissa&Ade*cough* were safe while other certain couples *couch*Kayla&Kupono*cough* were not. It just seems so baffling to me. I'm not upset though because I know Melissa will not win or even last very long but she just bugs the shit out of me, okay guys. She does. I am so sick of looking at her and her fake-ass smile. Ade, I don't hate him but he means absolutely nothing to me one way or the other.
I did end up going to my dad's side for the Fourth, we didn't think we were going to be able to go but we did and I had a blast. OH MY GOD, FOOD, FOOD, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. I also love my dad's cousin Rob and it's so unfair because 1.) he's a relative, and 2.) he has a fugly-ass girlfriend and it's fine but I sort of wish neither of these things were true, okay. But whatever, I totes had fun. Then I went to fireworks with Tree and Mette. We are all getting extremely excited for HP6, okay.
I came home and watched 16 & Pregnant on MTV and that show, it freaks me out but it also sort of makes me want a baby. But I know I DNW. But they are so cute and precious!!1 I think I just need someone AROUND me to have a baby so I can play with it and hold it but not be responsible for it and have to build my life around it lol. Then I came up here to my room and read his pilot and there were some parts of it that I thought were cheap, gratuitous, and unfunny, but there were other parts of it that I thought were so completely brilliant and it was like, idk... kind of sexy or something to read this? I see SO much of himself in his character and it's cute because when I'm reading the description of the character's room, it's totally his RL room and the names in it are his real friends and I don't know, it's so interesting to see his life through the eyes of would-be television, and it's giving me such personal insight into him and I don't even know. I love that he's letting me read it because we have similar views on our work/art and we both see everything we make as babies of ours and I know I'm just really protective of mine and my shit is hardly even personal like this. But it's so weird, GOD HOW DO I EXPLAIN THIS. In the script, it sounds like he's still kind of into his ex. Like he calls her on the way home from a wedding and they have random little moments of nostalgia wrapped into their current conversation and then her abusive new boyfriend comes home and starts yelling and "Randy" gets so upset and gets pulled over because he's speeding so badly and he's pounding into his steering wheel and totally just being so upset. And it's weird because if this WERE a TV show and I was watching it, I'd probably ship it. But being the NEW girlfriend IRL, it's like... no. Do you know what I mean. It is SUCH a mindfuck. God and like every morning (or the couple that have been in this episode), he wakes up with a new girl in his bed and it's like... lol, how much of this is true, what kind of a whore am I dating. But at the same time it makes me feel special if that WAS his real lifestyle and I've been the one who is able to break it, the one who can tame him. He's told me that there are things that would normally make him run if it were any other girl but that I'm not "any other girl", I'm me, and that changes everything. So I do think there's some truth to it. I don't know. It's so interesting, though. I want more than just a pilot lol.
I am so fucking tired.
rl - dining out,
boy - the dj,
family - bob/sally,
star - mia michaels,
rl - work,
real-life friends,
rl - doctor,
tv - sytycd