Music Meme: Nobody ended up guessing Depeche Mode ("
Damaged People") or Jem ("
I Always Knew"), but here's the
zip if anyone wants it. ♥ Tracklist is in the last post.
→ Adam. His fanbase is so much fun, I love it. I made a post about his dancing and flexibility and someone randomly complained about Comic Sans. And then someone complained about Papyrus. LOL I have no idea, it just cracked my shit up and I am loving them as a whole so so much. AND. Some brilliant soul at AI thought to ask all the contestants what their video montage would have in it. I. FUCKING. DIED. And do you know what Adam said? "Dancing with Paula Abdul this week. Amazing." ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I love both of them so much and I love them even more together. As is evidenced by my layout. A thought occurred to me last week - if he wins, he won't get a goodbye montage. Now, I don't remember if they make montages for the winner or not, but if they don't, I'm going to make one for him. I probably will regardless. I want to vid him so badly, I'm just waiting for a song to find me.
→ I can't find my Wicked book!!! :( :( :( :( :( I may have to go the... *gasp*... library.
→ My mom and I went man!stalking last night. She got all paranoid because her 'boyfriend' deleted a wall post she left him so she thought he was having someone else over or some shit. So we went to Dairy Queen and got ice cream and then drove to his house to check and then we just drove around for a very long time and got lost a little and looked at houses and listened to music and shit. AND YOU GUYS, THERE WERE THESE STREETS: Dexter, Dundee, and Lamberton. I DID NOT HAVE A CAMERA. BUT THEY WERE ALL OFF THE SAME ROAD, WE FLAILED OUR ASSES OFF.
→ I dreamt I was fencing with my old Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion teacher. wtf. Also I had lucid dreams that I could not control, it was so sad. I was aware of everything and I was telling things to happen and they wouldn't. It was so frustrating. I dreamt about so many random people.
→ I watched The Office and 30 Rock. I. LOVED. THE OFFICE. LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT. Fucking a. 30 Rock was pretty good too. But my love for "Broke" was kind of consuming.
→ I have to do a video for my sister's graduation. Does anyone have any song suggestions? For, you know, the archetypal "little bb girl's growing up and leaving" situation? Ugh.