My mom said that we might go to California at the end of March. I HAVE NEVER BEEN. And we're going to see the Walk of Fame and all that shit I've always wanted to see. And it's not a certain thing, but she really wants to. And it's freaking me out because that means
levidproject has to be done by then. Because I am not ever mailing it, and I'd also have a hard time ever trusting anyone with it. So I have to bring it if I go to CA. AND I'M FREAKING. OUT. THAT IT WON'T BE DONE. Note: Still looking for more songs, preferably with a "star" focus in the lyrics.
My days are so boring. I start school in a few days :( BUT I'M SO EXCITED FOR MY CLASSES, THOUGH.
ummm, idk. we went out for dinner tonight and it sucked. and then i came home and played with the glue gun and got through the first 2 discs of Friends S2. I didn't keep a commentary for all of them because I wasn't at the computer. FAIL.
PAULA ABDUL IS PERFORMING AT THE SUPERBOWL. AND WHILE I REALIZE THAT THIS IS POTENTIALLY VERY DANGEROUS IN THE FACT THAT IT COULD GIVE ALL THOSE ASSHOLES OUT THERE MORE THINGS TO MAKE FUN OF HER FOR, I AM PERSONALLY VERY EXCITED. Like, you have no idea. Because last time she performed on television, I was in a highchair. A bit nervous on her behalf, but really looking forward to it. I hope she dances. She's doing a song called "Dance Like There Is No Tomorrow", so I'm assuming.
doctors_girl! I got your card!! Your handwriting is so cute and tiny, and thank you for the translation lol. I had no idea what the actual card said. BUT THAT WAS SO SWEET, THANK YOU!!
New House spoiler picture - I AM SO STOKED.
ummmm. I have nothing else to say. FAIL.