I decided I need to let go of the whole "blog in order" thing, because it only takes me longer and I end up forever losing some stuff in the process. So, catch-up: personal edition -
→ Gemma/
iwant_sprinkles came and went, that's how long it's been, but I already have an epic "we met penguins" entry that's pretty much almost finished, and then another that's a general summary/bullet list of things we did. We obviously didn't blog nearly as much as we used to (read: at all) when we were together and we don't even know why and mainly we were busy, and when we weren't busy, we were practically inhaling Breaking Bad. Anyway, moar talks later, I just wanted to sadly acknowledge this fact. :(
→ We had my friend Sarah's bachelorette party last Saturday - we rented a big pontoon boat, and although the weather was crap we managed to have a good time.
I was drunk by like noon. The water was too cold to be in, lol, but we went in anyway. A local radio station was out cruising the water, they came up to us and threw a shit ton of Mike & Ike's on our boat. Sarah had a bouquet of lollipops and kept asking people if they wanted to ~suck for a buck~. I didn't bring my camera, obviously, because I am not stupid, so sadly I have no photos to show for this event, but it was fun.
The second I took my dress off, half-drunk!Katie freaked and asked when my boobs got so perky, and promptly took a close-up photo of my cleavage. I was strangely unfazed. She also wouldn't stop telling me that I look like Chloe from Dance Moms, and that her belly button ring was fucking with her chakra. There was a "bathroom" (quotes because it was basically like an adult potty chair) on the boat that was an epic pain in the ass, didn't work, and was just generally hilarious - there was a curtain thing that three people had to hold up while Erin went in there, it was a huge struggle and I don't know how to describe it but we were laughing so hard we were crying. It does amaze me how well my old dance team still gels. I don't consider us close friends anymore and half the time I feel like we've all changed too much but then we get together and it's pretty much the same. I really value that.
→ We painted the apartment! We had both our moms and also my grandma over, we got a bunch of food and just blazed through everything - we now have a red kitchen, a beige and navy living room, a cream bathroom, and a purple bedroom (which we already had but still). I will take and post pictures when a.) the place looks decent, and b.) our furniture gets here (see next bullet). It was traumatic because I don't like Jason's mom - she's never been mean to me, she's just a bitch to Jason and a general pill to everyone else. Like my mom got there and met her and was like, "Your son is an amazing man" or something and his mom was like, "Are you sure we're talking about the same guy? LOL!" like making a joke but it wasn't fucking funny and I could tell it hurt his feelings. And then he had to leave to pick up more paint, leaving me alone with her and the first thing she says is like, "If he dares to make fun of me, I'm going home!" Um, go then? You only ever stress me the fuck out. She went to paint the bathroom and I wanted to cry thinking of how excited I'd be if Derek's mom and I were painting together. I know it's not fair to keep holding onto that, but it's not fair that Jason's mom is such a bitch, either.
→ We also picked out a couch set~ It feels so lame and adult to be excited about furniture. Does it count if I'm mainly just excited for the pillows?! Oh my god, it does. Anyway - I'm really impressed because a couple of weeks ago, it came time for Jason to renew his lease. Ideally we'd move to a studio apartment, but we couldn't find one and ran out of time. It's not like I hate it here - I love the area and I love being this high up, but I just fucking hate carpet and white walls. So I told him we could stay if we painted and got some furniture. Impressed because I didn't have to tell him twice or ask about it again - he took initiative on both counts and because of that, I find it easier to spend more and more of my time here. I'm in an awkward in-between phase, I think - I don't quite live here but I don't quite live at home. I spend a majority of my time here, but can't quite make the commitment of bringing all my shit here. I don't know. But anyway - we picked out bitchin furniture from LoveSac,
check this shit out. We bought a ton of pieces so we can make whatever furniture arrangement we want on any given day. Just us? Fuck yeah, movie loungers! Having friends over? Sofa and love seat! Sofa, recliner, ottoman in the middle with a table top attachment! So ~modern. AND THEN WE GOT TO PICK OUT ALL THE FABRIC, BECAUSE IT'S ALL COVERS AND IT'S ALL CUSTOM.
→ Tiny adorable thing: the other day, Jason got a package. He opened it in the kitchen and yelled, "YES!! My marbles came!!" He just fucking ordered a bunch of marbles for some game he wants to make. I died. Sometimes I call him my mad scientist, especially when his hair is floofed.
→ He mentioned he was going to Barnes & Noble on his way home from work to get the new Game of Thrones book, so on a whim I asked him to pick out a book he thought I'd like. "Fiction or non-fiction?" I said I didn't care, he's pretty good at picking out stuff I like. He came home with the Steve Jobs biography. I just... kaljhfa. There will be a post when I finish it. I had to make a work-related phone call later that night that I was really freaked out about so he got me a glass of wine, set the book in front of me and said, "...inspiration." I cannot. Because it is, and it is EXACTLY the shit I need to be hearing right now. I'm only like four chapters in at this point but it makes me feel like I used to feel all the time - young and limitless.
→ I AM SO SORE, I CANNOT EXPRESS (HOW OUT OF SHAPE I AM, APPARENTLY). I shot a beautiful, beautiful wedding yesterday. The venues were beautiful, the bride was beautiful, all their fonts and details were beautiful, her fucking Vera Wang dress was beautiful. I have a shit ton to say on the subject but if I tell the whole story now, this will be tl;dr. It's been an ordeal, full of dread and crying and fear, but it turned out to be a great, new day and this could be the start of something.
→ I went to my mom's for dinner tonight, and stopped at my grandma's on the way back. I didn't tell her I was coming by and she was so sweet and excited. She pulled out her iPad and
tweeted about it. It just hit me and I needed to write about it because these are the small moments I'm going to miss when she's gone. I could cry now just writing this. And she was asking me about #'s and verified accounts and everything, it was precious. Then she was telling me about how Draw Something set her up with a random game with a woman named Robbi, and that she's the only one who still plays with her. They play all the time and she's so good and seems nice, so I told her she should look her up on Facebook. And then she just FREAKED at how we found her, and could see photos of her family and everything. It was so cute watching her connect the dots ("oh! and that's her grandson, then!") and just marvel at technology I use and take for granted on a daily basis. "I want to be her friend..." she said. I told her to message her but she was too scared and didn't want to feel like a creep, she kept talking about how she was "creepin' on her life", lmao. ♥ ♥ ♥