(no subject)

Jan 05, 2012 02:40

→ I watched like two whole seasons of Sex & the City yesterday, I do not regret that decision.

→ My mom came over for dinner and my sister, is visiting from Uni, we made sandwiches and my sister thought they tasted weird. My mother thought it was because she got ~seasoned turkey~, and then my sister realized that her sandwich tasted weird simply because she was expecting ham. I found this far, far too amusing. P.S., Angela (the sister) went on a date tonight!!1 This is kind of a big deal because she just got out of a three and a half year relationship with ~Kevin~, they lived together and everything. And now we get to squee over her new dates, it is fun.

→ I got a cable bill for $600, I had a fucking HEART ATTACK but then we realized it was only because I didn't return their cable box, which, I didn't know I had to, okay. So I have to do that tomorrow and it's a huge pain in the ass and basically I hate Mediacom SO fucking much.

Another company I hate: my mom and I went to a seminar on social media marketing for business a few weeks ago. I thought I'd be cute and tweet them during the seminar, give them a little shout out, whatevs. THEN, a couple of days later they started calling me basically non-stop? About how they were having some online class and another day-long seminar the next week. I didn't answer because I don't answer numbers I don't know, but they left a message. And then three more messages. THIS STUPID BITCH EVEN CALLED AT LIKE 8:30 ONE DAY! FUCKING WOKE ME UP! The stupid class came and went and I stopped hearing from them except now, I keep getting twitter followers with their stupid company in the name, seriously, four as of now. AND EVERY TIME I HEAR FROM THEM, IT MAKES ME WANT TO PAY FOR THEIR SERVICES EVEN LESS. AND THIS IS WHY I FAIL AT SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING FOR BUSINESS - because I understand how fucking annoyed *I* get at people when they badger me incessantly, or post the same shit/leave the same messages non-stop and I don't want to BE that business.

→ In good news, I talked to Lindsey today and it sounds like I'll be shooting a multitude of behind-the-scenes footage for a new webseries, and then editing a "making of" segment, not just in general but as companion piece to each - each! - of their episodes. Which is literally several of my dream jobs smashed into one. I hope it pans out and I hope it is more fun than it is scary. I'm excited. It sounds like I'll be going out at the end of next week!

Films I've Watched Recently
→ Lake of Fire, a documentary about abortion and pro-life/pro-choice. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. It was beautifully shot and the entire thing is in crisp black and white, which is a brilliant nod to the extreme polar sides of the issue and all the gray in between. I feel like it's slanted a LITTLE toward the pro-choice side (but maybe I only think that because they had a bunch of firmly and passionately religious people talking - I can't tell if the film purposely made them look crazy or if they did it themselves) but they did a great job of showing both sides to the issue. They also "went there" - they weren't afraid to be graphic and there were a couple of scenes that were so disturbing that I nearly changed my stance. When I think of abortion, I think of like, 1 or 2 months along when it still IS a tiny cluster of cells. It never occurs to me to think of abortions where the women are in their second or third trimesters. Those, I think, I am vehemently against. I guess I just don't know what could make you think you can't take care of/don't want a child then that wasn't present when you first found out you were pregnant. I feel like if you make it that far, you can at least put the child up for adoption. I'm not one to judge and am open to all women considering their own lives and their own bodies, but this was an incredible film and I recommend it to anyone in general, especially those who are passionate about the issue.

→ Collapse, a documentary about our economic and societal downfall as a result of our inevitable oil scarcity. I don't know much about economics and at some points I caught myself wondering if this was legit or if the guy was just a conspiracy theorist but 1.) I love conspiracy theories, lol, and 2.) Jason kept saying that he was right and had a lot of great points and after he explained a lot of it to me it seemed more plausible. Anyway, it was really interesting, albeit a bit scary.

→ We Need to Talk About Kevin, which was FUCKING FLAWLESS FILMMAKING AND YOU NEED TO SEE IT IMMEDIATELY. It's the story of a high school murderer, through his mother's eyes. It's less about the child (who is now in prison) and more about what the mother has to go through - being outcast from society for "raising a killer", wondering if there were signs she missed/ignored, asking herself if it was her fault, nature vs nurture, etc. It was visually STUNNING (the director is a female with a background in photography so every shot is a fucking compositional work of art and color), the actor they found to play the toddler version of Kevin was creepy as fuck and my god I just absolutely loved it.

→ The Orphanage, about a former orphan who was adopted and grew up only to return to the home with the intention of reopening it to a small number of disabled orphans. Her adopted son is about 5 years old, and HIV-positive with a penchant for scavenger games and a love of Peter Pan. He begins interacting with a number of invisible friends and when he goes missing, the rest of the film is the mother playing a more large-scale version of the same scavenger game with her son's "friends" in an effort to find him. It was beautifully done and creepy as shit and what I really appreciated was that it was simple-scary. And by that I mean no special effects, no "horror make-up", no unnecessary gore or CGI, that shit ALWAYS ruins good plots for me, I can't even. But this felt so real and a tiny kid with a fucking scarecrow-esque mask on his face just standing at the end of a long hallway is SO fucking scary, okay. And the ending/revelation was just awful, and I don't mean "poorly done" - I mean heart-wrenching. The film is in Spanish so there are subtitles, but I enjoyed the Spanish and don't think it detracted from the film at all. I RECOMMEND THIS AS WELL.

film talk, tv - satc, movies, production - wbak, family - mom, family - angela, people fucking suck

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