NOW, this is just Photo Booth nonsense but I'm sure Jason will take some nice-quality ones this weekend.
I really like it - I'd love for you to see it in a non-Tungsten colored room, because it actually looks a little bit darker and sometimes when it catches the light, it shimmers a little red which is exactly what I wanted and asked for. Props to my mom! WHOSE BIRTHDAY IT IS TODAY, BY THE WAY. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ She is and always has been a wonderful mother and the older I get, the more I appreciate all she's done and continues to do for me. One time I was bitching about her and Jason was like, "Well. Whatever her faults may be, she raised you, so I'll always think she's incredible." And that really struck me.
He and I are going up to his parents' cabin this weekend and I am stoked because they have internet. And a hammock. And a fireplace. And we're bringing the tripod. I AM SO EXCITED, I already have a bitchin' plan - I want to sleep in the hammock all day, and then check my tumblr, and then have wine by the fireplace, and then go out and take pictures of stars. I also bought edible vanilla sugar body powder (with a fun pink floofy thing) and a new underwear set for funtiems. My boobs grew, you guys, I am a D apparently and I've been dying to share this momentous occasion even though it is mostly likely just this bra style.
I'm shooting an alumni event at my high school's homecoming tonight. I'm kind of excited to go, I've always been excited to go to these things but I'm excited to go tonight because I have a lot to say when people are inevitably all, "So, what have you been up to?" I guess this is a reason that many people go to high school reunions but OH WAIT, we were supposed to have one this year but didn't. So.