(no subject)

Oct 16, 2006 16:39

This weekend was fun. Saturday I stayed late at work because someone called in. Oh well, it was overtime and I wasn't doing anything better. When I got home, Sara asked if I wanted to go to Target and a haunted house with her, Bryan, Krissy, Alycia, and Sean. I said yes to Target but ABSOLUTELY NOT to the haunted house. I can't handle those. I'd like to work up the courage to go in one again but my dad sort of traumatized me when it comes to haunted houses. He threw me in one by myself when I was 8 or 9 and I was hanging on to some stranger the whole time crying. Yeah - not doing that again.

At Target, I got a few new shirts. I got a really cute sweater that's like a t-shirt sort of, a royal blue top with sleeves that go to about the elbows (Sean says it's my color), and a plain white t-shirt. I also bought The Notorious Bettie Page and Me and You and Everyone We Know on DVD. Sara and I got matching hats but we forgot to take them off at the check out so we accidentally stole them! Then we were going to go back to our house but Bryan, Krissy, and Alycia wanted to go to the porn shop. So we went there. Sara and I got headaches from the insence they were burning in there so we hung out in the parking lot with Sean.

Then when Bryan, Krissy, and Alycia finally came out, we decided to go to Denny's. So we drove out to Brown Deer. We got a table and there weren't too many people there but then all the sudden, like 100 black people came in! There were these girls sitting in the smoking section complaining about the smoke and some older black dude said "then don't sit in smoking!". Sara made sure to blow her smoke all over the place because of that girl. Then one of them screamed later "I hate white people!" Which, by the way, I LOOOOOVE how it's okay for one of them to say they hate white people but if I screamed "I hate black people!" at the top of my lungs in fucking "Brown Town", I'd get shot. Anyway, there were so many people there and it was so packed, there were two security guards and one at the door and they wouldn't let any more people in!

Here's the security guard by the door and all the people waiting inside to get a table... that was only 1/4 of the black people in there.

I was the paparazzi that night.

After Denny's we were tired so we went home, watched some TV, and then I went to bed.

Yesterday I slept almost the whole day. I was so tired and I felt icky. Later on, Sara and I went to Target just before they closed and then we went to Wal-Mart to get some more stuff. Somehow, we were there for almost 3 hours! I got some makeup and we did some grocery shopping, too. I also got some cold medicine and vapo-rub and forgot to pay for it! It was sitting under my purse in the cart. Sara said she knew but she didn't say anything. Then we came home, made something to eat, and then I went to bed.

My interview was today. I think it went alright. She said she's going to call me on Friday after a couple more of her interviews and then I might have a second interview where I get to see some of the other people that do what I would be doing in action and see what it would be all about. I really want this job though. Sooo bad. After that, I went to Old Navy and got 4 shirts and two pairs of pants but I didn't get charged one pair of pants! :D I've been getting lucky with free stuff lately.
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