This isn't the official post - that will probably come sometime in December - but I need interest now for my 12 Days of Christmas drabbles. Yes, I'm planning on writing special Christmas gift drabbles for twelve people in the pairings of their choice. (Preferably with no repeats, but you know, if you want it you want it.)
Currently I have six people participating:
Dare (
dare_darcy )
Meredith (
xfirefly9x )
Goda (
fangirlgoda )
Remy (
falcon_zed )
Steph (
3dgomergirl )
beth_soprano No, I didn't ask all of them; I do have a FEW friends, haha. Anyway, this means there are six slots left, and if you post here with the pairing you want (for Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Firefly, or Eureka), I will add you to my list!
Also, if Goda and Remy are paying attention to my LJ, I would like to confirm John/Rodney for Goda and Elizabeth/Teyla for Remy. If not... I'll just ask you on YIM, haha.