For those of you who don't recognize the name (I honestly didn't recognize it when I first read this news) he was the anime director for, among other things, Perfect Blue, Paprika, and I suppose Lacy would hurt me if I failed to mention Tokyo Godfathers (one of her favorites which
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Posting to say I've revamped the journal abit. Not sure if I'll keep things exactly like this but I felt it was time for a change. This also is abit closer to the colors on my art site which was something I felt needed to be
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Woo, anyone who has spent abit of time with me or on this journal probably has heard about my obsession with the manga series Hellsing. So if you are sick of the topic and my ramblings about it, feel free to skip on ahead. Cause I ain't changing my tune anytime soon.( For the rest of those who want to read, click here. NOW WITH 99% less spoilers )
Well on a completely random note from a conversation with a friend I decided to try to watch the Darkstalkers anime. I liked what I've heard of the franchise and decided to learn more. Plus I was bored as hell
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