he worthless word for the day is: lanceolate
[fr. L. lancea, lance] /LAN see uh late/
tapering from a rounded base toward an apex;
The worthless word for the day is: lanceolate
[fr. L. lancea, lance] /LAN see uh late/
tapering from a rounded base toward an apex;
"Tool resumed removing thin, translucent flakes of
obsidian from what was quickly assuming the shape
of a lanceolate arrowhead."
- Steven Erikson, Memories of Ice (2005)
""A medium-size hot to warm growing lithophytic
species found on southeast-facing vertical lime-
stone cliffs in Borneo at elevations of one hundred
and fifty to six hundred meters that has four to
five linear shiny green leaves and multiflowered
blooms on a suberect terminal with purple two-inch-
long pubescent inflorescence with elliptical-
lanceolate leaves and red-brown floral bract
carrying two to five simultaneously opening flowers.
How did you time them to be open when they got here?
How the hell did you do that?""
- David Stone, The Echelon Vendetta (2007)
"Tool resumed removing thin, translucent flakes of
obsidian from what was quickly assuming the shape
of a lanceolate arrowhead."
- Steven Erikson, Memories of Ice (2005)
""A medium-size hot to warm growing lithophytic
species found on southeast-facing vertical lime-
stone cliffs in Borneo at elevations of one hundred
and fifty to six hundred meters that has four to
five linear shiny green leaves and multiflowered
blooms on a suberect terminal with purple two-inch-
long pubescent inflorescence with elliptical-
lanceolate leaves and red-brown floral bract
carrying two to five simultaneously opening flowers.
How did you time them to be open when they got here?
How the hell did you do that?""
- David Stone, The Echelon Vendetta (2007)
I like this word mostly because it reminds me of my favorite leaf-shapes.