Mellow Weekend

Mar 10, 2008 13:43

Mellow weekend. I am getting over a cold and the Dragon is currently in the throes of the same cold, so we mostly stayed in. The "ice storm" Friday evening left shining coat of ice glistening over everything, tree branches bowed but mostly unbroken. Very pretty, but very very chilly.

Sunday, my major endeavor was a continuation of unpacking (yes, still): in a fit of ambition, while unpacking out paperbacks, I sorted out an entire box of to-give-away-or-sell (easier to do, I've found, once you're very very aware of how heavy all your worldly belongings can be) and then loosely alphabetized the rest of them. Of all the authors for whom we have multiple books, I'm amused that we have the very most Pratchett (an entire shelf), although Sherri Tepper (entirely my doing) takes up nearly that much, as did Eddings, and Stasheff may have, if all his books hadn't hit the discard pile along with most of my MZB. (I consider it worth the investment to pick them up at $2 apiece again from the used book store if, in 5 years, I go through another phase of wanting her stuff).

Some books I feel an emotional need to hold on to - Heinlein, for instance - despite having no interest to re-read. Some I know I will re-read over and over again. A few, I actually haven't read yet. The rest hit the discard pile.

Of course, that's only paperbacks. We have almost two shelves of roleplaying books, and then at least another shelf full of reference books.

Yeah, I'm a bibliophile. Why do you ask?

books, weekend, outdoors, winter

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