Cam Timeline - veyr rough - mostly an idea

Feb 11, 2004 20:45

Cam post, apologies to non-Cammites.

So, while chewing over things in my brain, the way I tend to (actually trying to figure out if Eddyfate & Greebotrill were married before or after greebotrill became NST (before, I think)), I thought it might be neat to do an OOC cam timeline, with all those important dates to all of us... "important," of course, being sort of subjective.

So, starting with dates I can come up with, it looks something like:

September - NY-001, later named Rivers of Knowledge, formed in Rochester, NY

January - Sam Colbeth & Melissa Colbeth join the Camarilla

January - Samuel Colbeth becomes NE-RST

September? - Katherine Elizabeth Hanson Schwab (forgive my spelling) born

December - Paul Crawford becomes NE-RST

June 21 - Samuel & Melissa Colbeth married

November 9 - Charles Daniel Lyndell born
? - David Bounds becomes NE-RST

January - Camarilla begins Year of Fire

I invite all ye Cammies to add, correct, elaborate.
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