(no subject)

Sep 19, 2013 22:37

things that happened recently, in some kind of random disorder:

  • kneedrawp was in town for PAX! we got to hang out & he crashed on The Sofa of Comfortable Death & he completed a full set of PAX-specific cards against humanity for me. we also ate delicious food with sic737 (& gorthok, obviously) at poppy's. food details follow!

    joe & i split this thali:
    columbia river king salmon w/ pinot noir sauce, lobster mushroom & bacon
    carrot lemon soup with dukkah
    cherry tomato, melon & mint salad (finally i've learned how i can LIKE cantaloupe!)
    black-eyed peas with berbere (wonderful texture, very firm)
    peppermint snap peas (MORE PEPPERMINT ON EVERYTHING MMMMM)
    fennel & shiso kimchi
    nigella-poppy naan

    & also this one:
    spice-rubbed pork chop with blackberry sauce & grilled peach (perfection)
    billy's tomato, strawberry & sage soup (HOLY CRAP this was fresh & SURPRISING)
    cucumber, black lentil & sumac salad
    golden beets with spice bread
    kohlrabi with coconut milk, tamarind & dill
    watermelon & lime pickle (i LOVE watermelon pickles - used to make them all the time )
    nigella-poppy naan

    then for dessert we shared:
    pavlova filled with gooseberry fool & strawberry rosé granita (tangy & sweet)
    cinnamon-basil corn-cookie ice cream (HOMPH HOMPH COULD EAT FOREVER)

    & i stole a bite of chris's dessert:
    chocolate mint chip ice cream with chocolate black-pepper cookie (mint from poppy's own garden - SO amazing to have FRESH mint in food)

    & our favorite waitress, charity, also brought us some nutter-butter squares to share. :) :)

    omg. i am never anything but completely happy & satisfied at poppy's.

  • my hawk cutting turned two!
    oh hey, 8-13-13 marked the second year anniversary of my hawk cutting. :) i was hoping for full white by now, but it looks like it'll take another year to get there. i've taken a ton of photos anyhow, so hopefully this shows his progress in the past six months. (if you'd like to compare, the full collection is, as always, at my website.)

    & a couple in harsh light:


  • in honor of my graver boyfriend, joe & i celebrated our 6.66 year anniversary on august 24th. we ate sushi & i took him out to a comedy club where we laughed so hard that we left physically exhausted.

  • i trimmed over a half pound of dread from my head! want pics?

    this shows the marking (small white rubberbands), halfway trimmed, & fully trimmed. i left three nape dreads long for nostalgia, & to see just how epic & crazy they'll get. if they become intrusive, i'll just tie them together in a single knot.

    boom, that's 232g, or .51lb - over half a friggin' pound. & that doesn't include the three i left long. this makes sense with math i posted ages ago - at the six year mark, you have twice to thrice as much hair on your head as you would with brushable hair. (100000 average hairs on the human head; 50-100 hairs shed per day; my hair's terminal length is mid-thigh so i'll assume fewer shed hairs; 50 hairs per day shed over six years is 109500 hairs. there you go.) the average head of brushable, waist-length hair is about half a pound, so it follows that the part i removed would be about a half pound by itself!

    the insides are clean & gunk-free. don't insult your dreads with product, people!

    using the long ones to tie the short ones is fun. :)

    & the full, updated timeline pic - they'll be six years in october!

    having lived with shorter dreads a few weeks now, i don't know why i waited QUITE so long. it's so comfortable & convenient to have them shorter, & they're still plenty long enough to style.

    i meant to post with the new color scheme too, but i'm only about a third done with that, & i don't know when i'll have another chunk of free time either to finish the work OR edit more pics. so, there you go. :)

    enjoy! ( original link)

  • i lost another friend to suicide this month. RIP josh burdette. people, TALK TO SOMEONE BEFORE YOU MAKE THIS DECISION. talk to ME. i am here for ALL of you, ALL the time, FOREVER.

  • sic737 & i had an amazing Best Friends Dinner at olivar. did i mention we've been doing that? chris is the one i moved here with me from florida, & we'd begun falling out of contact due to our jobs & generally just being ridiculously busy. so now we make dinner plans every six weeks (the trick is to plan the next before the current ends!) where we go somewhere super fancy, enjoy great food, & catch up on the last month or so. more food details:

    we split a delightful appetizer of rabbit ragu with picholine olives & super thin papperdelle. i had the Duo of Goat: Grilled Goat with Zucchini & Merguez Sausage with Dried Apricot Couscous, & swapped bites for chris's Lemon & Herb Marinated Tuna, Fennel Purée, Braised Rainbow Chard, New Potato. for dessert, we shared the Chocolate Ensaimada with Toasted Marcona Almond Ice Cream, & chris's favorite, Profiteroles with Ice Cream of the Day. we'll DEFINITELY be back at olivar. *nods*

  • i was awarded employee of the month! in a company of over a thousand people where only three are picked each month, this is pretty epic. i received my choice of jacket emblazoned with our logo (i picked black fleece), $250 in american express gift cards, & a paragraph to the entire company about how much i rock. i was told that i was voted for by several managers from other orgs, which is pretty much unheard of - they usually all fight to get their own people recognized.

  • the above probably had something to do with the fact that...
    it's actually a work trip - i'll be there for two weeks to train our overseas team on a couple of things which are perfectly within my wheelhouse. joe isn't going (sadly, i wasn't allowed to swap my business class ticket for two coach fares; on the upside, hey, BUSINESS CLASS!), so the write-up won't be major, but i'll certainly post some non-work details. also i'll have weekends free, so the Grammy Memorial Tattoo will have its Philippines addition. :)

  • oh, & ummm also...
    this had been in the works pretty much since we got back from ireland - i wanted to go somewhere warm & have a more relaxing trip than HOLY CRAP WE'RE IN IRELAND LET'S SEE ALL THE EVERYTHING. i was seeking something like our laid back trips to hawaii, & groupons were coming up at around $800 for cancun. i found a better deal on expedia - minus the fancy hotel, plus a rental car, & better december options. after taxes & car insurance, it came out to $666.43 each - & you know joe couldn't deny THAT. i look forward to relaxing, trying scuba for the first time, & seeing a bunch of mayan ruins. plus i haven't been to mexico, so it'll be a third GMT addition this year. :)

    ok, that should keep you all satisfied for a while.
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