Oh I don't know really. Brain death.

Jan 01, 2003 16:55

Urgh. I don't feel quite qith it, but then again I don't feel as shocking as I did this morning. My God did I feel sick. It wasn't good at all, but then me and Annabel went to Burger King and that helped an awful lot. YOu can't beat masses of grease and crap to cure a hangover. Bel has already come out with the profound hangover comment of the day when she was admiring the clock in the shape of a rabbit that Nick got me for Christmas:

"Rabbits don't tick do they?"

This is to go along with the earth-shattering truths we uncovered last night when she stated very firmly that you couldn't trust men in stripes, checks, spots, shirts with collars, shirts without collars or just basically men in shirts. The great thing is that neither of us can remember why exactly she came to this conclusion, although there were at least three men wearing stripey shirts, Nick being one of them, and he's a shifty character if ever I saw one, so she can't have been far wrong.

Actually it was a really really good New Year for once. I always dread New Year a bit because it tends to be a bit of a let down, but this time it didn't really feel like it. We just went to a pub in Horsforth, about twelve of use, and sat and drank for about seven hours and played drinking games and talked rubbish. It was lovely :) I enjoyed it lots and Annabel did too, which was good, because she hadn't properly met Nick's friends before but they all got on like a house on fire. Very satisfactory.

For some reason she also had this image of Nick as being quite a steady, sensible type who would have a calming influence over everybody. I don't know where on earth she got that idea from, but all her illusions were cruelly shattered at the sight of him running around the streets at one in the morning wearing my coat (which looked almost like a waistcoat on him) and shooting a toy gun at anyone and anything. He is what is known in the medical profession as a freak. He felt much worse than me this morning and he'd promised to go to a football match at half one (the fool) and I did say yesterday that he'd never make it and he completely ignored my advice and then moaned when I pointed out it was entirely his own fault ;) Sigh. These men in shirts, eh?

So I'm feeling very fat now. I did really well when I was away over Christmas 'cos what with all the skiing and everything I ate like it was going out of fashion and only put on a pound :) I haven't had any exercise since I've been back though and with the amount of drinking I did last night it has probably made it ten times worse. But never mind. I am going to be super good and super healthy from now on, largely because I don't have any money, but I am going to try and go swimming more and be fit and avoid the fatness. Yes.

So Christmas was good too. Noisy, but good. Got molested daily by a six year old cousin and nattered to be the 10 and 13 year old cousins, the latter of whom is obsessed with getting drunk because he's never been allowed to do it yet (Oh he will. Going to an English private school, oh he will) and trying to convince me that I should be taking advantage of my age and drinking more vodka. I was a bit of a let down. It made me feel very old though...or at least, not old but really grown up. It has been niggling me lately that I am most definitely not a child anymore, or anything passing for one, and it's a bit of a sad feeling. It's stupid isn't it? You spend all your childhood wanting to be grown up and then when you are you feel sad that you're not a child anymore.

Oh well. I shall continue to have a misspent youth no matter what. And be careful what I say to the kids (they thought it was tremendously exciting that I first got drunk when I was 14. Amber was shouting "Arun! Frances got drunk when she was 14! You've only got one more year to go!" and I was cowering and looking nervously at their parents waiting for them to shoot me in the head. I'm not a bad influence, honest!)

Hmm. The other downside to being a proper grown up is that the rest of the family is looking to me to start reproducing at any minute. My two older cousins just aren't taking their responsibilities seriously, I feel. I don't see why I should get lumbered with the great-grandchildren making just because I'm the only one going out with somebody. Piffle.

Had lots of cool presents though. A big fluffy greay cardigan, I printer that looks like a breadbin, a mug with a mouse in it that says 'Small is beautiful' and 'Good things come in small packages' and a couple of CDs and books that I wanted. The most obscure present was 'Goodbye Mog' that my mum got me because apparently I used to like Mog when I was little and it has this really positive message about death. *Shrug* It's very moving anyway :)

So that's me. Back to boring old uni next week. Have to get a bit of work done before then I suppose...
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