Feb 15, 2006 15:33
Three days of placement and I've maybe done about 12 hours out of the required 24!!! Yeah me and life events.
Monday, I was feelin tired on Sunday so I decided to go in for around 11 to keep my head clear. Tuesday, I was feelin sick in the aft and my boss was gone so I high tailed it outta there. Today, my boss didn't even come in, so I left around 1:30.
Other good news, my rogers yahoo internet has COMPLETELY paid off. Due to being a member, they offered up a 2 month trial of their yahoo unlimited music program. It fuckin rocks!!! I can listen to ANY song and add it to my music file. I can't transfer it to my mp3 player as it'll only play .wma files, but lo and behold, there are ways around that. :)~
My zip.ca has been very good to me lately. It sent me He-man on DVD and I've been diggin one eppy a day. By the power of Grayskull, I have the power!!! So fuckin sweet!
Now I just gotta exercise and things will be solid all around.
Thanks to my Ma and the recipe books that she bought me for x-mas. This one has only 4 ingredients per recipe and the other is for the croque pot. I live for the croque pot these days. My roomie made some chicken wings the other day in it and they were fuckin awesome!!! If you don't got one, buy one!! You just set it and forget it. Oh wait, that's another product. ;)
Looks like Rogers is forcing me to get rid of my Fido cell plan w/ them. They are taking away my free home calling and I'll have none of that. I make most of my calls home to my roomies and w/ that feature, I've saved a lot of money lately. I think that I'll switch over to Virgin...anybody have them? Or just go w/o a cell for awhile. Do I really need one? Nowadays, you can barely reach me on my cell...just call my work line! I've only got until Feb. 23 to decide, they didn't give me a whole lot of time.
School is going incredibly easy lately. Not enough assignments or anything like that to keep me busy. I'm sure it'll pick up a bit, but I've been smart enough to get the majority of my presentations over and done with early on in this semester.
I'm looking at Athabasca and doing their online b.pa (bacholor's of professional arts) in human services. It'll leave my options open, as I can either use it to go to teacher's college or continue on and get my masters of counselling. That's if I don't end up w/ a full time position w/ the Town. My current job becomes full time sometime in 2007. Plus, there's some current talk about having a youth worker full time. I think that I'd dig that more than a supervisor. This way, I could just run events and such all the freakin time. Hang out at the youth centre all day long. Who knows, what'll come of it all. Lots of options keeps me at peace.
p.s. Have ppl not heard of James Blunt? The dude's been kickin around for awhile now. I discovered him, when he reached the top of the charts in the uk. All his songs pretty much rock.