Jul 12, 2008 07:08
Lots to do today. Well, more than on our average Saturday anyway.
- Need to take kitties to the vet to get them up to date on their vaccinations. Need this so they can be boarded nearby for Comic Con.
- Need to mail a pin trading item I promised I would get in the mail today. Also put the RSVP for my Aunt & Uncle's 50th anniversary into the mail.
- Barbecue at Sam's co-worker's home, down in the Carlsbad area.
Yeah it doesn't sound like a lot, but our usual Sat. is more like: get up, wander over to Panera for breakfast; drive down to the card shop in Newport/Costa Mesa; waste time browsing around Best Buy or some other store; have lunch; come home and veg; have dinner; veg some more.
Comic Con is coming up, week after next, so it's time to start getting stuff together for that, buying portable snacks and drinks, getting all our favorite clothes washed and packed, and the kitties set up with their boarding (we're going to try the PetSmart "PetsHotel", so I need to get the paperwork done and reservations made), refills on prescriptions, bills paid up that are due that week, and so on. Looking forward to the Con though. :)
In other news, the iPhone 2.0 update officially came out yesterday. I woke up early and started the downloads on both of our computers, and I set mine to go ahead and start, while Sam's I just had download, so that he could do it himself. Mine got to the reactivation point maybe 5 minutes before Sam's, and got through. His hit that point after the servers were overloaded and/or down, and so his phone was basically a brick. :\ He took mine to work so that he would have a phone, and I tried throughout the morning, and finally got his to reactivate around 10am I think.
Last night he brought dinner in, and we spent the evening watching television and playing with new stuff on our phones. I bought Crosswords, Scrabble, and a sliding puzzle game called Trism. I did one whole crossword (NY Times/Will Shortz) and worked a bit on another (Merle Reagle), played a game of Scrabble with Sam, and then added Trism, which I ended up playing until after midnight, LOL! I plugged in my phone this morning to let it recharge because it was down to about 25% charge after all the playing.