Yes, there was more to my weekend than just the concert. :)
Friday, when Sam stopped for gas, he noticed that the old stationery store across Jamboree that had been closed and empty for a few months is now divided into two storefronts, one being an open Panera Bread. Yay!!!! I mean, we have one nearby, but it's 3 or so miles down to it, and on weekday mornings the traffic there gets backed up, so it's not really realistic for a weekday run out and get a bite before Sam goes to work (since he'd have to re-drive most of it anyway, it's like a mile or two from his job). But now, it's close enough that except for Mondays (which always have early meetings), we could go before work.
Now if only they'd go back to full size chocolate chips in the choco-chip muffies. Yeah, yeah, I can't have it all. :)
After we checked out the new Panera (which has several little two-person booths, instead of us taking up a large), we headed down to The Creative Play for Sam to pick up some cards, and for me, finally, to get something framed. Sam had remembered to remind me to see if I had anything to go, and so I went and looked in my stitching cupboard, and guess what I found? My little Gwen Stefani purse that I'd been searching all over for a couple weeks ago, and had reallllly wanted to take to the concert. Wheee!! So I was happy about that, and I also picked out one of my smaller finished cross stitch pieces (Paws and Stripes Furever) and took that in to be framed.
Lonnie helped me pick out matting and a frame, and I suspect I'll have it back in a couple weeks. He was out of ink for the printer (someone was off somewhere to pick some up), but since we're in there every week anyway, he said not to worry about the receipt, or a deposit, he'd let us know when it was ready and we could pay in full then (it's going to run somewhere around $85). I have at least three more pieces I have finished that he can frame, but I guess this means I'm going to have to get back into stitching. ;)
Sam bought cards, and I got my Vault pick that I'd won a couple visits back. Got a couple swatch cards (I think) and a pack of 2006 Topps baseball cards, which of course I gave all of to Sam to open and enjoy. I didn't quite get my last run on the frequent buyer card to get my $10 certificate, but I suspect that I'll get it next time, and then maybe I can use it toward the framing. See, Lonnie's smart... he knew how to get me to bring in my stuff for framing. *laugh*
After the card shop, Sam offered to take me anywhere I wanted to go. I should have gone and gotten my hair cut, but I guess I'm kind of nervous about that because I tend to lose a lot of hair and I feel bad for the stylist having to deal with it. So we didn't do that, and we just stopped at am/pm (kind of like a 7/11 but always tied to an ARCO gas station) and got drinks. I love their 'crunch' ice. :) There are times when I just get a full cup of ice, no soda, I like it so much. This time I got Pepsi with a splash of Orange Slice.
Came home and goofed off and nibbled on a little bit of leftovers to get us to dinner time. Got changed and went over to Wendy's and ate, and headed out to the venue for the show. Came home and crashed around 1am, woke up around 3:30 and Sam was still up, so I had a drink and nibbled on a cookie and surfed till he came to bed.
Yesterday we were pretty lazy, and I slept a lot to make up for the short night's sleep. Got up at 8:30 because Katie was hungry, and stayed up a while. Sam's dad called around 10:30, so I went in the bedroom and layed down and read a bit while he talked on the phone. Juliana is doing well, taking milk from a bottle, though they still have the feeding tube in in case she stops taking the bottle. Sounds like she is doing well. Yay :) Haven't gotten any more pictures yet.
Sam went out and brought back more Panera for breakfast, and we stayed in all day. At some point I went back to the bedroom with the intent of finishing up my book (Eldest, by Christopher Paolini) but Katie snuggled right up to me, and I was out in about 5 minutes, and woke up around 4, I think.
Around 5:30 or 6, Sam walked over to Panda Express and got us dinner, and some time after dinner I decided to see what stitching I had sitting out here at my end table. I had a big project, and then a little Christmasy kitty one, so I picked up the cat piece and went to pop in The Sound of Music in the PS3. The PS3 wanted to update, so I let it, so it was probably another 20 or 30 minutes before I got to start the movie. I had forgotten how long it was, too. But I did get a good bit of stitching done, and went to bed around 11.
I currently have both cameras charging.... the Gwen camera I took to the concert, and my Sony one that I am just more used to using, to take pictures of my goodies from the show.