GPA and art class. Sadly, true story.

Jul 04, 2006 17:02

GPA: 3.53

Could be worse. Got great grades in the languages and history, not so good in chemistry and calculus (though considering I'm a year advanced in the latter...). Now if only I can get into an actual art class, thank you you moronic schedule monkeys. Most of my conversations with the Schedule Monkeys go like this:

Lisa: I need AP Studio Art to get into an arts college, and it would really help if I could have it this year so I could put it on my transcript.
Monkey: You're already taking four APs. You're only supposed to take four.
Lisa: I'm quite happy to take regular math and history for slackers lower-class history again.
Monkey: Math is more important than art. You should take AP math.
Lisa: Actually, I need to take an art course next year to graduate, whereas I've got my math credits.
Monkey: But you're a good math student.
Lisa: I have a C+ in math. You're thinking of my brother.
Monkey: That's why you need to take AP math, to improve.
Lisa: Can I double up on math the year after and take regular this year to sate your random sadistic tendencies towards keeping kids in high school eternally?
Monkey: We don't want people taking two math courses in one year.
Lisa: ...I have four study halls in senior year. I think I can handle an extra math course.
Monkey: You should take your art courses then, then. Besides, if you only have a C+, you shouldn't double-up.
Lisa: I would love to beat you to death with my backpack now. I need to take AP art next year so it goes on my transcript.
Monkey: Lisa, Lisa, Lisa...colleges don't look for art classes, they look for math classes.
Lisa: Liberal arts colleges want to see that I actually took art in high school, ma'am. I don't have any art credits right now or any classes behind me because you didn't let me take art last year, either.
Monkey: Were you taking math?
Lisa: ...
Monkey: Math is more important than art.
Lisa: NO IT'S NOT. Ma'am, if I don't have an art class this year I can't graduate.
Monkey: You should have taken an art course last year.
Lisa: You didn't let me. I would love to beat you to death with my sketchbook, laughing madly as you paint my ink prints with your blood, because goddamn, pure frustration and anger is very good artistic inspiration, isn't it? ISN'T IT?! I shall title them "Expressionist Prints of Beating Idiots to Death with a Sketchbook" and pretend it's just red ink, which hey, I can't buy anymore because the art supplies store thinks I'm going to tattoo myself!
Monkey: Besides, arts colleges are very hard to get into.
Lisa: Yes they are, if I don't have any bloody art credits and can't even graduate. I think I'm good enough.
Monkey: What about Music History? That's fine arts.
Lisa: ...*cries*

Thankfully, I got it on my schedule this time. Scheduled at the same time as my math class. In between now and August, I need to either murder the Monkey or learn to make dupes.

schedule monkeys, la escuela, gpa, art

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