I hate awards ceremonies and I hate finals. If I had my way I'd take a standardized test and start summmer already.
I really hate awards ceremonies. Not because I don't win anything (I used to, I don't care about that much anymore, though likely I'd be able to stand it slightly more if they hadn't cut the only category I stood a fighting chance in (the arts, for the record) and started slathering heaps of praise upon the jocks, because, well, yeah I'll admit I'm jealous). It's because it always seems to do nothing but make everybody but the Four Favorites feel horrible. And it takes four hours out of my life that I'd rather be doing important things with, like studying.
Even the Four Favorites hate it, because they now have everybody wishing they would just disappear or bomb a test for once in their lives, so we can stop hearing about how great they are. We hear it all year. Having a party for it is overkill.
The problem is that the Four Favorites are all really good kids. They get good grades, they try really hard, they do extra-curricular activities up the wazoo. They deserve these honors (and as such, it's very hard to say it's the staff playing favorites or that they're getting by on anything else, and that's absolutely infuriating).
But other people besides them deserve honors too, like Court, Trish and Kita, and they never get recognized. In fact, quite a few of them don'teven make it into the yearbook. But instead, we just always hear about the Four.
(One of the Four is my neighbour and my mother constantly compares me to him, so EH. I DOUBT THAT'S HELPING WITH MY EARTH-LOGIC.)
I totally admit I'm being irrational, bitchy and bratty. But whatever. It bothers me.
Spending four hours in the middle of summer, all dressed up, to watch them go up for award after award after bloody award? Is irritating, to say the least.
But hey, we have a betting pool on which of the Four is going to take home the most awards. So maybe I can come out ahead this time anyhow.
Also, this is for me:
Tonight: Buffer studies on Lenin and Stalin, 10 problems mathematic sequences, Chapters 12-16 Chemistry review
Wednesday: (History Final), 5 problems parabolas, 5 problems graphy curvy zig-zaggy thingies, make up notecard, Chapters 17-21 Chemistry review
Thursday: (English, Math final), Chapters 22-23 Chemistry
Also, as of tomorrow I will have been mangling Tom's canon roleplaying Black Tom for one year. A big thank you to everyone who made that year so enjoyable! I love you all!