I'm seriously at a lack for fanfiction at the moment. I've read through most of the fics on my f-list's archives (which were frabjous), and all of Red Monster's Siryn's Story Corner, and my old favorite list at FF.net, and most of Excelsior.
If anybody has any links to an X-Force archive, Siryn archive, or general high-quality X-Men archive, I'd appreciate it.
Also, if anybody has links to fanfiction on Juggernaut, any of the Cassidy family, good X-Force, X-Statix, Intimates or Top 10 (I don't expect any on the latter two, though), could you please post them? Or any fanfiction that strikes you as really damn good? Should I read X-Mansion?
Also, I can't find the story about Juggernaut and the Korean hooker. Lia, do you still know where this is?
Edit: Ack, I was goggling for fic and someone's RPing Tom with a Johnny Depp PB! This is mindboggling. I never would have guessed there would be another Tom player out there besides me and the player on Genetic Anomaly.
Edit the II: Hey,
munros_not_a_ho, are either of you guys open today?