On Friday we gave two more puppies away. There are only 4 left now. It's very sad to see them go, as we grow more and more attached to them. These last 4 will go with the their new owner this Friday too. At least 3 of them. One person is undecided. We'll see.
Here we have the first puppy (a boy) that left last Friday. Nicu is holding him in the first pic. The second is with the current owner.
The second puppy stayed till 8 PM - that's when I left work on Friday too. The new owner is our truck driver. He lives in a different county. The puppy roamed in the office for a little while, peed in a couple of places, licked my nose when I held him, before it was put in a cardboard box and put in the truck.
Here's the puppy with Gabi, the new owner. (We called the puppy Gabi too after the human Gabi claimed him a couple of weeks ago.)