"If you fall I will catch you,I'll be waiting time after time ."

Nov 11, 2009 16:05

I heard "Time after time" on the radio this morning.♥ It was amazing,i started smiling like an idiot and my mum asked what was going on,and i was like "I can't tell you!!I'd spoil you on season 6 of House!",and she went all "OMG,no okay,DON'T TELL ME!!" LOL,i'm so proud of her!
Anyway,the song reminded me i still had to write my episode review,so here it is!Beware,lots of pics,hearts and flailing ahead!

It was one of the most beautiful,amazing and heartbreaking episodes ever.I experienced like the all range of emotions;i went from happy,to sad,to excited,to angry,to frustrated.And when it ended,i didn't even know what to do with myself.
The dance scene was perfect.So perfect i started crying,because to see them dancing and talking like that was just too much.
He was going to call her.He wanted to figure out were things were going.Do you realize what this means?That they've been into each other for 20 years.♥

H: "Remember the last time we danced?Med school.The week we met.
C: "No."
H: "I saw you.Endocrinology."
C: "I meant...we met before that.In the bookstore."

C: "I tracked you down.Endocrinology,the party..."
H: "...and one thing led to another..."
C: "Then it didn't."

H: "I was gonna call you."
C: "No...don't do that. There was no expectations. I was just as into it..."
H: "I was gonna come see you. Figure out where things would go from there. That was the morning I got the call from the dean, and I was expelled from my first med school, and there didn't seem any point."
C: "I should...go to my room."

Frustration,let me show you it. :( Damn the dean and his horrible timing!

And then Lucas appears,and i seriously consider smashing my head on the nearest wall.House looks so hurt,poor bb! :(

L: "Hey House."
H: "Hey Lucas."
L: "This is awkward."
H: "A bit!That awkwardness would probably go away if i left."

Then there's the scene that really pissed me off.I mean,i get it,Cuddy,you're in a relationship with Lucas.Good for you.I just don't understand why you choose to tell him about House's hallucinations and him being in Mayfield.That was not cool at all,and i just wanted Lucas to shut the fuck up.

H: "...and one thing led to another."


And now,just to cheer us up a little bit...

"I need...PANTS!" LOL Wilson wins at life!♥
I'll never,ever get tired of this episode.I could watch it over and over again without getting bored.♥

rl:family, ship:huddy, irene dies of awesome, tv show:house, i heart quoting

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