"Why isn't this working?!" "Because they're in love!"

Nov 10, 2009 14:01

I just watched the new episode of "How i met your mother".

I'm so sad,you guys.I don't even want to think about them not being in a relationship anymore.When the episode ended,i was in tears.Like,seriously in tears.
Anyway,i didn't hate it as much as i thought i would (partly because of the last scene.HELLO THERE,NPH!).It just...it came out of nowhere.And too soon,i guess.I didn't understand why they had to turn them into fat guy and old lady in order to have them break up.They could choose between many simpler things that made more sense-like,idk,Barney feeling trapped in a relationship.And then what was that thing about them NOT HAVING SEX??Come one,writers,you can do better than this!!
Though I liked that the gang  tried to break them up,and then realized it had been a mistake,and that it's actually Barney and Robin who take that decision,without any intervention from the others.It was such a sweet scene;i know it's a paradox because they're breaking up,but it really was.How Robin said "We love each other!",and how Barney joked about the "If you're 39 and still haven't found anyone..." thing.I loved the little kiss,and how they were "two friends getting back together",because they can't imagine not being at least friends.The all scene just made me cry like a baby.I even hoped they wouldn't break up in the end,when Marshall,Lily and Ted were in the car and saw them kissing,and they're all "Aaww,they love each other!" and for a minute i really thought  they were going to be stronger than that rough patch.But they weren't,and that made me incredibly sad.I hope they'll find their way to be together,in the end.

I don't know,i just feel really down right now.Thankfully i can always count on Sheldon to cheer me up! ;)

ship:barney/robin, tv show:himym, i heart quoting, irene cries, tv show:tbbt

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