I found this Sirius/OFC set of stories I really love.

Dec 12, 2005 20:50

A Kind and Caring Friend by Katinka

Now let me just say for the record, while IRL I hope everyone finds love, be it woman/man, man/man or woman/woman....but when I am reading fanfic I like my romantic stories to be both heterosexual as well as be comprised of characters I like (hence my non-interest in fanfic that takes unlikeable canon characters and puts them in our "good" canon characters romantic sphere).

Why do I bother to say this in my LJ? B/c I felt I needed to state why you see a Sirius/OFC story and not a stereotypical Sirius/Remus or ::shudder:: Sirius/Snape ::shudder:: story. I just don't see Sirius or Reums in a man/man light (especially if one of those men is Snape).

This is actually kind of an odd story to start off as a rec. While it is a really lovely story it drops you off completely unaware of the place the characters are in. But as I ADORE Sirius it wasn't really an issue for me, LOL. By linking off the author as well as the authors notes you will find the other stories that fall in this AU world.

This story is not what I call angsty...but it's not overly sappy. It's just damn romantic.
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