Jan 22, 2012 09:31
LOL, oh man. So, since I've reached an impasse with the gingerbread quilt, I decided I'd take on doing the shop sample for one of the gorgeous new lines of fabric we just got in. The pattern is really, really simple except for the fact that you have to cut your fabric length of fabric instead of width of fabric. For those who don't quilt, fabric off of bolts is, almost always, 42" wide. It's also folded in half when it comes off the bolt, so when you're cutting "width of fabric" you're cutting, essentially, 21" of space. Length of fabric, however, can be any amount, because it depends on how much fabric you roll off the bolt. Let's say you buy a yard of fabric from a bolt, the width of the fabric would remain 42" folded in half, and the length of the fabric would be 36" (one yard).
Cutting length of fabric can be difficult if you've got a really long piece of fabric. My ruler is only 24" long. My cutting mat is only 25" long. Even the rulers up at the shop aren't endlessly long (the best one is only 34"). The center piece of fabric on this quilt is supposed to be 13 1/2" by 60 1/2" cut length of fabric. I folded the piece in half so that I would only have to cut 30 1/4", but I screwed up and apparently only cut it at 30". So now my center piece of fabric in this quilt is 1/2" short. *headdesk forever*
So much for this being a quick and easy quilt to finish. *sigh*