"And you'll ask yourself 'Where is my mind?'"

Nov 07, 2006 01:36

Yay!  I get to go home for the weekend!!!

I have mixed feelings; I kind of want to see friend-type people, but am almost humilated to.  Since I've moved to dad's I have gained fifteen pounds.  I have not been this heavy since the winter before last.  I have become a fat, lazy bum.  I will definitely start eating more healthy things and working out starting Wednesday.  Hopefully I'll be able to loose some weight before the holidays... Which is probably a stupid wish since that's statisically when people gain the most weight.  Not me, no siree, because I refuse to gain another pound.  I feel disgusting and embarassed.  Eww...

I am trying to find new and interesting still life subjects via Lindsey's advice.  I found a half-empty Precious Moments snow globe, a beanie baby, and a unicorn My Little Pony.  I also thought doing some jewlry might be cool if I can artistically arrange them...  Unforunately, at 1:13am it is very unlikely I will start and complete my drawing assignment due tomorrow at noon.  Oh well.  I'll only be four assignments behind (Right, like that's okay).

I bombed my math test tonight.  I could not remember how to do a single thing.  What's worse is that math retest I took last week (or the week before, I don't remember) I scored a 30, which leaves me with the high grade of a 50.  How I managed to do that I haven't a clue.  What I do know is that I can absolutely NOT fail tests.  They are 60% worth of my final grade.  Say I prayer that I at least pass this class with a C- or else we can say bye-bye to $600 for nothing.  The only good thing about math is that my Professor is really cool and, despite only meeting once a week, is willing to try to help me out in arranging make-up tests and such.  She even invited me to join in on one of her day-classes (not like I really want to do that, but...)  I just hope I can pass..

I did my first water-color painting today since I was nine.  I'm almost tempted to say the one I did when I was nine was better looking, haha.  Well, this one (it's kind of an orangey-sunset reflecting off the water with a little island in the distance) actually looks pretty professional and cool when looking at it from far away.  I started another one with a dude's face, but I screwed the nose and lips up so I'm not too happy with it.  It only took me five minutes to get where I am with it now though, so it wouldn't be a problem to just start over on a fresh piece of paper (a pad is only 2 bucks at Job Lot).  My paitning teacher kinda drives me nuts, but I like her too.

Well, there will be no resting Wednesday or Thursday.  I will have to complete whatever home work assigned to me this week on those two days so I won't have to worry about it when I leave on Friday.  I have been slacking majorly in the school work department.  I just can't be bothered with all this damn busy work.  I HATE busy work; give me something real.  Well, I've got an essay due next week for English.  Wonder what I'll b.s it on this time... Last time was about how Seth was a figure of disappointment, haha.  I couldn't think of anything else at 2am and that was like back in September when he did something that really pissed me off (forget what it was now though..)

I think I might do my research paper on the Civil War.  I don't know what kind of sub-division I can mark it down to, so that could be a problem.  I am not one to really do research.  My reasoning for it is because of this little short original story I've had floating in my head for the last month or two about a Confederate soldier with a Yankee brother who married the belle CS really loved.  It's pretty interesting and might develope to a novela.  I have absolutely no clue where the inspiration for it came; I was half asleep driving into school and it was foggy and BANG!  The idea just jumped out and took a life of it's own.  If not the Civil War I'm thinking maybe WWII since that's always been something that's interested me.  I actually watched the History channel a lot a few weeks ago; they had program after program about Hitler, the Nuremburg trials, the Nazi's rise to power, the Nazi propheys, Hitler's descendents... All very intriguing things.  Again though, if I were to do something on WWII I don't know what I'd get it down to...  Mr. Smith suggested Walt Disney's influence on animation and while that might benefit me on becoming an animator I really don't have an interest in it.  I picked up a book the other day too think it over and I just like... Ugh...  Go watch a Disney movie or look at the extravagant theme parks or something.  That would be a much better and fun report.

Maybe I should consider becoming a history teacher or something.  I could train under Mr. Cowan, haha.  It's just something I've always had an interest in--- even before I had Cowan for a teacher.  Cowan just made the experience all the more meaningful and fun.. You know, aside from the large amounts of homework and just scraping by the class...

Ho hum.  I suppose I should either attempt finishing homework or sleeping.  Sleeping sounds appealing.  Most definitely haven't been getting enough of that.

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