Dec 31, 2007 08:38
First: Sweeny Todd = WIN. The general synopsis is that Johnny Depp wants to kill Snape and Wormtongue, and since he can't, Bellatrix Lestrange helps him make half the people of London into meat pies. My kind of movie.
Second: Dune is a very slow read starting out. Didn't expect that. But I'm sure once something actually happens it'll be a good book.
Third: I want to kill a girl I work with. Hopefully my report on how she ignores things you ask her to do will get her ass fired.
Fourth: I get to RP a pregnant Elle. The world should be frightened.
Fifth: Kathy gets to kill me for letting an RP character become pregnant. She'll enjoy that.
Sixth: I've run out of random things.
sweeny todd,
random things,